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Bil’in Commemorates Land Day

Bil’in Commemorates Land Day by Martinez All over the West Bank today, non-violent demonstrations were enacted against Israel’s Apartheid Wall and Israel’s theft of Palestinian land. Today was the 31st anniversary of “Land Day,” a day when Palestinians commemorate the ...

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More harassment and stonings in Tel Rumeida

Harrassment continues at checkpoint in Tel Rumeida by ISM Hebron At 11.50 at checkpoint 56 a Palestinian man approached the checkpoint, to pass from the Palestinian market to Tel Rumeida, with a metal cart with lots of bags and trays ...

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“Judaising” Jaffa: the demolition of Ajami

Normalising injustice by Arthur Nelson, 28 March 2007 “Beneath the pretty flowers of Israel’s propaganda machine lie some ugly facts on the ground in Jaffa.” Diplomatic briefcases are unlikely to be dropped at news of Condoleezza Rice’s call, on the ...

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Hebron: More detentions and home occupation update

More detentions and update on home occupation by Israeli settlers by ISM Hebron, 25 March UPDATE on Palestinian home occupied by settlers, March 27 Tuesday, 27 March The settlers have worked very quickly and through the nights, despite the still ...

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Not a happy Mother’s Day

Not a happy Mother’s Day by Martinez “No, this is not a happy Mother’s Day!” said Fatima Brijea as she pointed to the framed photograph behind me. It was her son. He was assassinated by the Israeli army. I sat ...

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