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Tragic, but not enough to mention

The Untold Stories: Tragic, but Not Enough to Mention by Anna in Palestine Today I visited my friend Dawud in Kufr ‘Ain for the first time since he lost his six-month-old baby at Atara Checkpoint. It was heartbreaking to hear ...

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Incurion and Arrests in Tubas

Incursion and Arrests in Tubas from Brighton Palestine, 4 April 2007 On Monday April 2nd the IDF entered the town of Tubas (in Area A – the ‘Palestinian controlled’ area of the occupied West Bank). Around 40 soldiers and several ...

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Women’s Action Brings Hope, Hebron

Women’s Demonstration in Hebron, Hope from Association of Women’s Action by Martinez, 2 April 2007 Yesterday, the Hebron Women’s Club organized a demonstration in the Old City of Hebron. The women met at the Israeli Machsom (checkpoint), which separates the ...

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