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“It is my land not the settlers’ land”

One of Solayby’s grape vines that settlers knocked over and their sheep ate the leaves Muhammed Abu Solayby from Beit Ummar village near Hebron has suffered heavily from the settlers from the nearby settlement of Beit Ai’an. They have destroyed ...

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Human Rights Abuses in Hebron

Tel Rumeida Report, June 6th to June 10th 2006 Settler women sitting in an occupied Palestinian clothing shop; the clothes are ransacked in a pile on the left (Photos by Sunbula) Raids: 7th June 2006 A Palestinian family related that ...

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The People of Bil’in Honour Journalists

Credit: Ammar Awad/Reuters by Raad At 13:00 today the people of Bil’in started their weekly march to protest the apartheid wall which is being built on their land. The march started with around 100 Palestinians and 40 internationals and Israeli ...

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Unwelcome Visitors in the Night

by F. Tonight at about 10pm seven Israeli soldiers came to our apartment and knocked on the door. They wanted to come in, and I told them no, they couldn’t. They asked why, I told them that we do not ...

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Israeli Military Raid ISM Apartment in Balata Camp

The apartment belonging to the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in Balata refugee camp, Nablus was broken into by the Israeli military last week, May 31st. In what is an apparent act of vandalism and harassment, the military forced their way ...

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Visiting Your Neighbours in Tel Rumeida

by Shlomo Bloom Closed Palestinian shops in what was once a lively market in Hebron On June 4th at approximately 3:30 pm a delegation from France came to Tel Rumeida to learn more about the situation here. We met with ...

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A Quiet Shabbat in Tel Rumeida…

by Shlomo Bloom One of the Palestinians said today that he thought most of the settlers were in Kiryat Arba and there were very few of them on the street so there was hardly any trouble. At about 3pm, three ...

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