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Settler harassment in Tel Rumeida

15th June 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Saeeda | Hebron, Occupied Palestine I am an ISM activist living in the occupied city of Hebron. I arrived home late in the evening of Friday, June 14, and outside my door some ...

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Palestinian farmer wounded by Israeli army fire

7th June 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Rosa Schiano | Gaza, Occupied Palestine Sunday morning a young Palestinian farmer was wounded by Israeli army fire in an area called Abu Safiyeh, East of Jabalia, in the Northern Gaza Strip. The ...

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Revisiting Ni’lin after four years

2nd May 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Ni’lin, Occupied Palestine By Team Nablus It’s been four years since I had visited and lived in Ni’lin and the decision to visit on Friday filled me simultaneously with excitement and longing but ...

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Two Brothers Resistance To The Occupation Of Tel Rumeida

By Team Khalil 15 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine Two brothers, Hani and Hashem Al Azzeh, who have had enough of the harassment they face on a daily basis from the Israeli occupation forces and settlers, ...

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Big punishments for small hopes

by Haroun Zeitoun 26 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Burin, Occupied Palestine This morning in Burin, the village that sits in the valley between the Yizhar and Bracha colonial settlements just south of Nablus, saw a small yet high-spirited ...

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The broken truce

21 January 2013 | GazaStories, Beit Lahiya, Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine A ceasefire was announced on 21st November, ending eight days of horrific bloodshed in Gaza. Has the delicate truce held over the past two months? It depends who you ...

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