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Painting on the walls in Gaza

Asmaa It is nothing new in Gaza seeing lots of words in great lines on any wall you pass it in Gaza. Some of them talk about the political situation, another is talking about the social events. Many of them ...

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When a second home isn’t due to wealth

Sharon Lock | Tales To Tell Excerpts from Sharon Lock’s blog We were visiting hospital dietitian S’s family in Al Fukhary. They all fled their home during the attacks, except for S’s dad who stayed behind to confront the tanks. ...

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Mohammad’s story

Eva Bartlett | In Gaza 10 March 2009 An elderly man saw me walking the other morning. “Bless you, bless you,” he said, holding out his palm as I gave him 20 shekels. What has rendered a man in his ...

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From the ending we shall begin

Natalie Abou Shakra | Gaza 08 His green eyes divert in the opposite direction as I look into them. He smiles at me shyly, sadly, forlornly. I stand against the magnitude of a man, too great not to be noticed. ...

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A beautiful place

Sharon Lock | Tales to Tell 8 February 2009 Before the strikes, the group 14 Friends of Palestine asked E and me to make contact with a little girl they sponsor via Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children. It’s taken a ...

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Ezbet Abed Rabbo: “They make like art here”

Eva Bartlett | In Gaza 7 February 2009 On a visit to Ezbet Abed Rabbo during which I heard more harrowing testimonies of life under invasion, children shot dead before parents’ eyes, and being held captive for days on end, ...

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One million and a half broken hearts

Natalie Abou Shakra | Gaza 08 Wednesday February 4, 2009 Tears drop on her hands, hands that he had once kissed passionately, on her engagement ring, that ring he chose for her, on her cheeks that oust the redness of ...

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All we’ve got left of him

Eva Bartlett | In Gaza 2 February 2009 Abdul Rahman Ghraben’s mother carried in a yellow plastic bag.  “This is his pant leg, and tiny pieces of him,”  she said, holding the knotted bag at the handles. Her husband had ...

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