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Ibrahim Burnat shot by live ammunition in Bil’in

Update: Ibrahim Burnat, (Wageeh’s 26 years old son) was shot with live ammo in the thigh yesterday during the demo, and was evacuated to the hospital in critical condition due to massive blood loss. The bullets, apparently 3, who pierced ...

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Brutal attack in Susiya

On Monday 9 June six masked Jewish settlers from the nearby outpost of Havat Ya’ir, armed with automatic weapons and cudgels, attacked a small group of Palestinians, mainly women, in their tent village in the Susiya location of the South ...

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Anti-wall demonstrations in Ni’lin village

By Kim Bullimore (www.livefromoccupiedpalestine.blogspot.com) To view the IWPS website click here Photos courtesy of IWPS and Activestills Ni’lin village has become the latest village to begin organising demonstrations against the building of the apartheid wall and the stealing of their ...

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Water crisis in Tel Rumeida

Water storage tanks mounted on the roof of every house are a distinctive sight throughout the length and breadth of Palestine. Without a guaranteed source of water, life is not possible in this beautiful, yet arid land. Since 1967, when ...

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Summer Against Apartheid continues in al-Ma’sara

On 6th June 2008, at 11.30am, approximately 150 demonstrators from the villages of Umm Salammuna and Al Ma’sara attempted to march to the construction site of the illegal Israeli apartheid wall in protest of the construction which is stealing the ...

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Telling lies about Bil’in

By Kim Bullimore To view Kim’s blog click here 6 June 2008 Today, once again, the Israeli military lied to its citizens and the rest of the world. In an article published on the 6th June by Ynet, the online ...

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