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Bil’in Breaks the Chains

by an ISM Media office volunteer On Friday the 14th of April, the villagers of Bil’in held their weekly demonstration against the apartheid wall that is de-facto annexing over half of their land to Israel. Land that the government of ...

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Protest at Beit Sira

On 14th April, my second day in Palestine, I visited the small village of Beit Sira, near Ramallah. In many other countries the inhabitants of such a village would spend today tending their farms, being with their families and friends, ...

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‘Bite’ Activist Arrested

Adnan Ahmad Nimer, a 19 year-old activist from Beit Sira, was taken from his home last night at 2am by the Israeli military. Thirty soldiers surrounded the house, his father opened the door and the troops gathered the family into ...

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Israelis ‘detain’ Hamas minister

From the BBC Hamas officials say Israeli police have detained a cabinet minister from the new Hamas-led Palestinian government. Khaled Abu Arafa, minister of Jerusalem affairs, was arrested on the outskirts of East Jerusalem, the officials said. Hamas said Mr ...

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Everyday resistance

by: Alys a member of IWPS (The International Womens Peace Service) Prologue By ISM media Palestinian child in Tel Rumeida Hebron, a city in the southern part of the West Bank, is unique in that the settlements, inhabited by fanatical ...

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Bil’in Tries to Bridge Over Troubled Waters

by ISM Media office volunteers At about 1:20 pm this Friday 31st of March the weekly demonstration against the apartheid barrier in Bil’in set off. As usual, it consisted of Palestinians, Israelis and internationals – about 300 in all. When ...

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