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Hares: Villar Stealing Palestinian Land

Near the village of Hares south-west of Nablus lays the industrial compound of Barqan where Salman Mahmoud Simlawi has been facing a takeover of his land for decades by two factories on each side of his property. On Thursday the ...

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Um Salamona: A Somber Day of Reflection and Resistance

At 11:30 am on Friday, July 28th, 2007, five international human rights workers joined international volunteers and Palestinians in Um Salamona for a protest against the Apartheid wall that has been going on almost every week. It was an important ...

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Bilin: Soldiers show no restraint towards Peaceful Demonstrators

Bilin, 28th July 2007. Approximately 300 international, Palestinian and Israeli non-violent demonstrators came together for the 129th Bilin demonstration against the illegal Apartheid wall. The demonstrators came from all backgrounds and included children as young as five through to women, ...

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Nablus: Video of IOF Snipers Being Evicted

After a standoff in ‘Ein Beit Al Ma’ refugee camp, Friday morning, July 20, 2007, in which six international human rights activists … all >> confronted the Israeli Occupation Forces, at 11:30am several Israeli snipers were forced out of the ...

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