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House demolitions and forced displacments in Area C

By Abu Sarah 2 September 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Demolishing tents donated by the UN On August 28 Israeli occupation forces demolished tents donated by the United Nations (UN) in the Palestinian village of Susiya in the ...

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In photos: Beit Ommar weekly protest

by Younes Arar 17 March 2012 | Beit Ommar Popular Committee The Beit Ommar Popular Committee organized today’s weekly peaceful protest adjacent to Karmei Tzur colony built on the stolen land of Beit Ommar farmers. When we arrived next to ...

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In Photos: Ni’lin chisels through Zionism

13 March 2012 | by Rune, International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Like every Friday, on March 9th residents of Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, went to protest the Apartheid wall, which encloses their lands and denies them of basic human ...

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In photos: On hunger strike in Gaza

by Mya Guarnieri 10 February 2012 | Alternative Information Center A number of Gazans have joined Khader Adnan’s hunger strike to protest the inhumane conditions that Palestinian political prisoners face in Israeli jails. Israel often holds Palestinians in administrative detention ...

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