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The long road to Bab al-Karama

20 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Bab al-Karama, Occupied Palestine The road to Bab al-Karama, the new tent neighborhood created by Palestinians on land that will be separated from the village of Beit Iksa by the Apartheid wall, exposes ...

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Settlers attack Urif and Qusra with guns, knives and stones

January 10th, 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Urif and Qusra, Occupied Palestine As the villages around Nablus woke up to the rare scene of a snow-covered landscape, Israeli settlers violently attacked groups of youngsters playing with snow in the villages ...

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Photo Essay: The funeral and burial of Rushdi Tamimi

20th November 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Policemen take Rushdi Tamimi´s body out of the morgue Palestinian policemen waiting for the arrival of Rushdi Tamimi´s remains. Rushdi Tamimi´s body is taken for a funeral procession through the streets ...

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Citizens of Jama’in Remove Roadblock

By Viktor Ibrahim and Meri Verdaguer Photographs by Vicky Blackwell 16 October 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank About thirty citizens from Jama’in, accompanied by around 15 international solidarity activists commenced the first stage in the removal of a ...

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