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Photo Story

A visual chronology of the Freedom Rides

by Dena Elian 16 November 2011 | Sixteen Minutes to Palestine On November 15, 2011, six Palestinian Freedom Riders boarded a settler-only bus traveling to occupied East Jerusalem to openly challenge Israel’s apartheid policies towards Palestinians and its minority populations. ...

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In Photos: Burin withstands settler violence

by Amal 9 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank In the past three years Burin has faced increased settler violence. This small village of approximately 3,000 people deal with a constant threat of settler attacks or Israeli army ...

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In Photos: The survival of olives

16 October 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank The olive harvest started in theWest Bankin early October and will continue in some villages until mid-November.  Olives have been cultivated in Palestinian land for thousands of years.  Around 95% of ...

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In Photos: Ad Dhahariya and Shuwika plant resistance

11 October 2011  | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank At 1 PM a demonstration went from the solidarity tent assembled for the prisoners strike in Ad Dhahariya to the nearby village of Shuwika to plant trees. The demonstration was a ...

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The graffiti battle of Sheikh Jarrah

28 September 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank While Palestinian families continue to defend their right to reside in their homes in East Jerusalem, and while illegal Israeli settlers attempt to overtake whatever home or land to feed their ...

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In Pictures: The day of the UN bid

24 September 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank September 23 was a historical day for Palestinians worldwide and within the territories, as the Palestinian Authority submitted a bid to the UN to be recognized as the 194th nation of ...

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In Pictures: Sheikh Jarrah

16 September 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank The ultimate aim of the Zionist organizations is to convert Sheikh Jarrah into a new Jewish settlement and to create a Jewish continuum that will effectively cut off the Old City ...

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