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16-year old killed by Israeli forces in Al Arrub, Hebron

18th March 2017  |  International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team  |  Hebron, occupied Palestine Yesterday evening, on March 17th, 16-year old Murad Yusif Abu Ghazi died after being shot by Israeli forces in Al Arrub refugee camp outside Hebron in the occupied ...

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Ni’lin remembers Rachel Corrie and Tristan Anderson

17th March 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Ni’lin, occupied Palestine Today on 17/03/2017 the residents of Ni’lin alongside internationals and Israeli activists held a demonstration in memory of Rachel Corrie and Tristan Anderson, against the apartheid wall and ...

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Honoring Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie

16th March 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, occupied Palestine Today, March 16th, 2017, marks 14 years since the day that Rachel Corrie had her life taken. And though her life ended early, her courageous heart and defiant spirit will be ...

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More young camera activists trained in Hebron

15th March 2017  |  International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team  |  Hebron, occupied Palestine Today five young students from  Ibrahimi boys’ school took training in camera skills in H2, the Israeli controlled part of the city of Hebron.  Training consisted of ...

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