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Olive tree planting in the village of Bruqin

9th April 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Bruqin, occupied Palestine On 8th April 2017 an ISM team joint Abu Skander, a farmer from the village of Bruqin, Salfit district, to plant 30 new olive trees on his field within ...

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Israeli forces increase restrictions in Hebron neighborhood

2nd April 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine On Saturday night, Israeli forces expanded a road-closure near Shuhada checkpoint in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), moving it further into the H1 area – that which is officially ...

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Four Palestinians arrested during Land Day action in al-Khalil

31st March 2017  |  International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team  |  Hebron, occupied Palestine On Thursday the 30th March, four prominent Palestinian activists were violently arrested by Israeli forces following an olive tree planting action marking the 41st Land Day demonstrations ...

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