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Childhood is being killed in Palestine

15 October, 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Tulkarm By Diana Khwaelid The 16-year-old martyr Mohammed Adwan was fatally wounded by a live bullet fired by an Israeli soldier while participating in a demonstration in solidarity with Gaza that took ...

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Revenge attacks in Masafer Yatta

  16 October, 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Masafer Yatta  In the week since Israel began its onslaught on Gaza, soldiers and settlers have bulldozed homes, carried out night raids and attacked Palestinians across the Masafer Yatta region. Occupation ...

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Total War – The Economic Backbone of the Occupation

15 October, 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | al-Khalil EXPLOITATION AND OCCUPATION Hundreds of Gazan workers are being given refuge in Palestine, after having been dumped in the West Bank by Israel. 45 of them are in al-Khalil and the ...

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Palestinians hospitalised in settler attack near Ramallah 

    15 October, 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Wadi Siq Armed settlers attacked Palestinians and international volunteers in the Bedouin village of Wadi Siq, east of Ramallah, on Thursday (October 12) hospitalising two people.  Villagers were also beaten ...

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He was killed while holding the flag of Palestine

14 October, 2023 | International Solidarity Movement | Tulkarm By Diana Khwaelid The martyr Qassim Hakam Qassim, 24, was one of the young people who answered the call to participate in a mass demonstration in solidarity with Gaza in the ...

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Settlers attack in Tuwani, Masafer Yatta

Yesterday afternoon, 12th of October, settlers attacked the village of Tuwani, in the south of Hebron, assaulting the residents, injuring one. The settlers shot live ammunition in the direction of the Palestinians and internationalists in the village. They also raised ...

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He did nothing, but he didn’t survive

The funeral of Ali Alysn - in Beqa'a al Sharqiya

By. Diana Khwaelid for ISM Al-Baqa al-Sharqiya village-Tulkarm – 11-10-2023 Ali Alyan, 31, a resident of the village of Baqa al-Sharqiya, northeast of the city of Tulkarem, was killed by the Israeli Iron Dome rockets which were countering the resistance ...

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