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Palestinian Shepards “Tear down the wall”

Palestinian protetors in Mnezel, South Hebron hills, built a passage over a wall built on their land using rocks. They piled the rocks on both sides of the wall despite threats from the border police that they would force them ...

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Israeli Court Rejects Wall Challenges

Hisham Jamjom an International Solidarity Movement local coordinator and a resident of East Jerusalem talked about the effects of the Wall on the local residents of those areas: “When my children grow up and want to marry, they will not ...

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Bil’in Demos Endure – Even During the World Cup!

Photo By IMC Israel By ISM Media Office volunteer Today Palestinians from the village of Bil’in had another demonstration against the apartheid wall. They were joined by internationals from several different countries as well as Israeli activists. photo Tess Scheflan ...

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Hebron Settlers Vandalise Palestinian School

by Joe June 22nd: Shortly after 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, a Palestinian youth informed two human rights workers sitting on Shuhada St. that settler youth were attacking the retaining wall just built alongside the new brick path to the Qurtuba ...

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Denied Entry

by Noura Khouri Typically, entry to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) through the only possible route available, via Israel, is a nerve- racking, tiresome and extremely invasive affair. If the foreigner in question answers honestly, to the barrage of questions ...

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Bil’in Unites in Solidarity With Gaza

By Sunbula and Jennie Photos by Sunbula Yet again, the people of Bil’in were joined in solidarity by international and Israeli peace activists on a Friday afternoon after midday prayers to protest the annexation of the village’s land by the ...

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