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Author Archives: Yara

Nabi Saleh: 16 year old shot with tear gas canister

by Rana Hamadeh 19 April 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank A nonviolent demonstration in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh last Friday, April 13th was met with Israeli army aggression, resulting in at least six injuries, including a ...

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Gaza: The march for prisoners within a prison

by Nathan Stuckey 18 April 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza April 17th is Palestinain Prisoners Day.  All over Palestine demonstrations were held in solidarity with the approximately 5,000 prisoners still held in the occupations jails.  Bait Hanoun was no ...

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Israeli army demolish houses and wells in Kufr ad Dik

by Aura and Robin  17 April 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Early Monday morning the IOF came to Kufr ad-Dik and demolished three houses and three water wells, along with several tents belonging to Bedouin families nearby. Settlements Bruchin, Alei ...

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