10 Palestinians gunned down by Israeli forces in only 6 days

21st September 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | West Bank and ilegally annexed East Jerusalem, occupied Palestine

Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank and ilegally annexed East Jerusalem have increased their use of excessive force against Palestinians – gunning down 10 Palestinians in only 6 days, killing seven of them. Medical neglect of the injured Palestinians and collective punishment on the Palestinian population after these incidents is commonplace.

Friday 16th September

In the morning, at Damascus Gate in the old city of ilegally annexed East Jerusalem, Israeli forces shot 28-year old Saeed Amro, a Jordanian national visiting al-Aqsa mosque. A video-recording shows him running away from the Israeli forces when they shot several rounds of live ammunition at him, in contrast to the Israeli claims of him attacking the soldiers with a knife. He was then left to bleed to death on the ground without any medical attention.

Israeli forces open fire on two Palestinians, Fares Mousa al-Khoddour and Raghad al-Khoddour travelling in their car near the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba, claiming that they were about to attack settlers at a nearby settler bus stop with their car. 18-year old Fares died at the scene, while Raghad was taken away in an Israeli ambulance critically injured, her condition since then is unknown.

Later the same day, 16-year old Mohammad al-Rajabi was gunned down by Israeli forces at Gilbert checkpoint in Tel Rumeida in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), as the heavily-armed soldiers in combat-gear claimed that the boy was attacking them with a knife. He was left to bleed to death on the ground, while Israeli forces ensured that none of the residents of the neighborhood were able to give first aid to the injured boy, throwing stun grenades at them.

Saturday 17th September

22-year old Hatem Abed Hafez Shalludi was shot to death by Israeli forces in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of occupied Hebron. Despite the fact that he did attack one of the soldiers at the checkpoint with a knife, the soldier did not sustain any injuries. All of the Israeli forces wear bullet-proof vests, that can not be penetrated by a knife. Two of the other soldiers at the checkpoint shot Shalludi as another soldier is already pinning him on the ground, thus executing him for no reason. Again, no first aid was given.

Sunday 18th September

Baha al-Din Muhammad Khalil Odeh, 20 was shot and seriously injured by Israeli forces. The 20-year old stabbed and injured an Israeli army commander close to a checkpoint near Efrat settlement in Betlehem district, and was then gunned down by the Israeli forces. According to the last reports, he’s in stable condition.

Monday 19th September

Ayman al-Kurd, 20, was shot and severely injured near Herod gate in ilegally annexed east Jerusalem. The 20-year old Palestinian attempted to stab two Israeli police officers. A video shot by a bystander illustrates how the Israeli medics deliberatly ignore al-Kurd after he has been shot with live ammunition, and do not give any first aid.

On the same day Muhannad Jameel Al-Rajabi, 21 and Amir Jamal Al-Rajabi, 17, were shot and killed by Israeli forces at a checkpoint near Ibrahimi mosque in occupied Hebron. Israeli forces again claim that the two were attacking soldiers with a knife, but no injury among the soldiers has been reported. The seriously injured Palestinian later was taken by an Israeli ambulance to an Israeli hospital in Jerusalem – while the Palestinian medical crew from the Red Crescent was prevented from giving first aid and evacuating him to a much closer Palestinian hospital. He was pronounced dead minutes after arriving at the hospital in Jerusalem and could have possibly been saved if immediate first aid from the Palestinian medical crew would have been allowed by the occupying forces.

Tuesday 20th September

16-year old Issa Salim Mahmoud Tarayra was shot dead by Israeli forces near Bani Naim village east of occupied Hebron. Eyewitnesses claim that Tarayra was shot almost immediately after stepping out of a bus making a halt at the Wadi Al-Joz junction near Bani Naim.

Wednesday 21st September

A 13-year old girl was shot by Israeli forces near Qalqilia, as Israeli forces claimed a ‘terrorist attack’ – even though, no weapons have been found on her or in her school-bag. Her 24-year old Aunt, Rasha Ahmad Hamed ‘Oweissi, was gunned down and killed at a checkpoint in Novmeber last year.

Unlawful killings

This recent surge of lethal violence from Israeli forces is a clear violation of Israel’s obligations as an occupation force. As stated in Article 43 of the Hague Regulations, Israel as the occupying force is responsible for the safety and well-being of the population in the occupied territory. By shooting and then leaving Palestinians to bleed to death without any medical attention, and in cases even denying medical help from bystanders or trained medical crews, they clearly and continuously violate Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), stating that “everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”. Article 6 (1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) guarantees that, “every human being has the inherent right to life [and that] no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life”.  Article 2 (2) of the European Convention on Human Rights explains that “force used should be ‘no more than absolutely necessary’ to defend any person from unlawful violence, to effect the lawful arrest or prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained, or lawfully quell a riot or insurrection”.

This enhanced shoot-to-kill policy has been denounced by several human rights organizations. All the bodies of the Palestinians, excluding the Jordanian national, have been taken by Israeli forces who deny their families the right to a funeral. Injured Palestinians are kidnapped to Israeli hospitals and no news on their situation are given.

Israeli forces, since the beginning of the year have gunned down 103 Palestinias in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli forces deliberately, continously and with impunity completely ignore the rights of the occupied Palestinian population and thus create an environment where the killing of Palestinians is allowed without any consequences, and denying first aid and the freedom of press to journalists is common-place. This culture of impunity also covers the various and rampant acts of collective punishment enforced on the whole Palestinian community in the aftermath of these incidents.


First day in Al-Khalil

6th September 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Today was my first full day as an ISM’er in Al-Khalil (Hebron).

A regular part of our work is to monitor Israeli checkpoints beside schools in the mornings since the teachers ask for an international presence. Often there can be problems with violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian children. Another reason ISM is there, is to count the number of school children using the checkpoint, to see how many children are suffering from this daily stress, which sadly, is part of normal life under the occupation. The data we collect is passed on to NGOs who collects data on children in the whole of Palestine. It is necessary for children living in the H2 area to pass through this checkpoint to reach their school. The Palestinian children are often subjected to intimidation and harassment as they are searched in claustrophobic rooms within the highly militarized structures. This morning i was monitoring Qeitun checkpoint with two other ISM’ers.

Around 120 children, mostly boys, passed through the checkpoint in the first half an hour. There were clearly armed Israeli solders stationed in heavily armored towers overlooking the checkpoint, creating an intimidating atmosphere. There was an older Palestinian man encouraging the children to go through the checkpoint as a few of them were nervously waiting in front of them. In the midst of our counting of children we heard shouting from around the corner and saw a group of Palestinian children being chased by heavily armed Israeli border police, although we were in H1, out of Israeli jurisdiction. A few of the children thew stones towards the invading border police and before we knew what happened a soldier lobbed a stun grenade directly at the children. This grenade exploded a few metres in front of the children standing at an entrance to a junior school. I was down the street but the loud noise really reverberated through my body and sent my heart racing. It was the first time I had experienced this kind of weapon and moments after, I was still terrified. The grenade sent the children fleeing in all directions and one of them dropped his school bag. An Israeli soldier stole his bag and took it with him. As he walked past us an ISM activist asked him “why have you taken his school bag?’, the soldier muttered “to check it”. Of course this was a lie as they did not open it and I found it infuriating that heavily armed, grown men would steal the school bag of a child as some sort of immature intimidation technique.

Some minutes later few stones were thrown from the top of a building, neither us or the Israeli border police could see who was throwing them, but the border police responded with yet more stun grenades. One of the soldiers was incompetently rushing to throw so many that he missed one and it bounced off the building towards him- and it sent him scampering away. By this point there were very few children left in the street and they were hundreds of meters away from the checkpoint. But the altercation had clearly infuriated the border police and they began launching scores of tear gas canisters down the street at the remaining children. We were ushered inside a school by some teachers as we were very close to where the canisters landed. It was terrifying to hear the loud pop of the canisters launching and not knowing if they were about to land on top of you. They are heavy steel cylinders and a direct hit, especially on your head, would do some serious damage- never mind the gas that stops the children breathing and burns their eyes. In all we counted at least 6 stun grenades and 16 tear gas canisters used by the Israeli border police against the unarmed Palestinian school children. The teachers in the school told us that this was a regular occurrence and asked how they could teach students with this going on as it not only disrupts lessons and scares children in the school, but it also stops many children from attending in the first place.

It is clear to me that the soldier’s actions were not in self defense, as they had heavily defended battlements in which to remain in. Instead they choose to escalate the violence by attacking the children in order to assert their dominance and intimidate the children. My experiences of Al-Khalil thus far have proven that the occupation and militarization of large parts of the city are not for the purposes of ‘security’, as the Palestinians here are friendly and welcoming to all religions and everyone. Instead the soldiers aim to harass Palestinians and disrupt their way of life as much as they can, meaning that a normal childhood and opportunity to focus on their education is impossible.

By ISM-activist; “Hugh”

video: Border Police steals Palestinians schoolbag

Israeli Army invades Kafr Qaddum (again)

19th August 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Kafr Qaddum, occupied Palestine

The people of Kafr Qaddum again tried protesting against the illegal Israeli military takeover of their village road, by attempting to march on it. Anticipating a demonstration, the Israeli Army and Border Police and Army moved into the village before the demonstration started. Border Police and Army soldiers blocked the way to the road to which people were planning to march, as well as set up snipers on the hills near the village.

Clashes broke out between them and Palestinian young men and youth, and the military fired rubber coated steel bullets.

After the demonstration began, people attempted to march to the main road, but the Border Police stood in the way and blocked the procession. Clashes then started again between them and the shebab, and they lasted for several hours.

The soldiers, in addition to rubber coated steel bullets, also fired high velocity teargas cannisters. Fired at a rapid speed and often aimed directly at people, they have maimed and killed in the past.

A military bulldozer was also brought in to try to extinguish burning tires that were set alight by some of the shebab. People began throwing rocks at it, and in response a stun grenade was thrown.

Despite the length and intensity of the clashes, fortunately no one was badly hurt or killed.

The struggle to regain the road, and to end the occupation that robs Palestinians in the village and elsewhere in the West Bank of their dignity and lives, continues.


Muhammad, a 15 year old boy, who was shot in the stomach by Israeli soldiers during clashes in early July.
Muhammad, a 15 year old boy, who was shot in the stomach by Israeli soldiers during clashes in early July.
Palestinian villagers in Kufr Kaddum confront the Israeli Army
Palestinian villagers in Kufr Kaddum confront the Israeli Army
Israeli Border Police in Kufr Kaddum, ready to fire on the demonstrators.
Israeli Border Police in Kufr Kaddum, ready to fire on the demonstrators.



Israeli military fires high velocity teargas cannisters in Kufr Kaddum.


Israeli Border Police opens fire on shebab in Kufr Kaddum



Settlers tour H1, Palestinian movement restricted in Bab E Zawiyeh

14th August 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Surrounded by many Israeli Army and Border Police personnel, a group of several dozen Israeli settlers two days ago went on a tour of Bab E Zawiyeh, an area in Hebron.

Prior to the tour, the Israeli military made a show of force, leaving their base and patrolling down the streets in great numbers. Some of the soldiers ordered Palestinians to move out of the way, others took up positions on rooftops.

Both Israeli Army and Border Police obstructed freedom of movement for Palestinians, denying some permission to go to their homes because the settlers were in the way. Israeli Border Police and Army soldiers got into verbal confrontations with Palestinian youth, and several times forced people to move back. A Palestinian journalist was briefly detained by Israeli Border Police, and forced to show his camera and phone to them.

The event lasted several hours, and caused lots of harassment for the Palestinians in Bab E Zawiyeh. This is not the first time Israeli settlers, protected by the Border Police and Army, entered H1.

H1 is a part of Hebron that is supposed to be under control of the Palestinian Authority. The Israeli Army enters it regularly, showing disregard for Palestinian sovereignty. What happened yesterday was only one example of this.

The tense situation could have ended in bloodshed or even deaths, if clashes broke out. During the tour, the Israeli military settlers once again displayed a lack of consideration for the human rights and dignity of the Palestinian people living in Hebron.



Israeli soldiers blocking traffic in H1
Israeli soldiers blocking traffic in H1
A Palestinian man and woman are denied entry to cross the street, as Israeli settlers are escorted on their tour.
A Palestinian man and woman are denied entry to cross the street, as Israeli settlers are escorted on their tour.
Two Palestinian woman are denied permission to move past the soldiers.
Two Palestinian woman are denied permission to move past the soldiers.

Israeli Border Police detain a Palestinian journalist and demand he show them his camera and phone.



Israeli Border Police try intimidating Palestinian young men and boys, ordering them to move back.


Despite intimidation efforts by the Border Police, the young men and youth refuse to submit to the occupation.
Despite intimidation efforts by the Border Police, the young men and youth refuse to submit to the occupation.


Kafr Qaddum demonstration met with tear gas

16th July 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Kafr Qaddum, occupied Palestine

On the 15th of July in the afternoon, the people of Kafr Kaddum took part in a demonstration against the Israeli Army’s continuing theft of their road. The soldiers checked cars going in and out of the village, and stationed snipers in the bushes and on top of the hill. The Israeli Army also brought men in dark uniforms, a special unit that is used to quell prison disturbances. They had a jeep that was loaded with teargas. Clearly, their main goal was to intimidate the demonstrators and stop the protest from happening.

Palestinian demonstrators march towards the road
Palestinian demonstrators march towards the road
Palestinians, Israelis and internationals alike were in the crowd. After some chanting, the people tried to do a march but as soon as they got close to the hill where soldiers were stationed, stun grenades were thrown at them. The Israeli soldiers also fired rubber coated steel bullets at the Palestinian youth, as well as several volleys of teargas towards both them and the rest of the crowd. Although no one was hit by their ammunition, many people suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation.
Before leaving the Israeli Army made sure to destroy the main water pipe of the village, which will cost some 3000 NIS to repair. An overwhelming use of force was employed against a people who are simply fighting for the return of their road, which was illegally stolen from them in 2003.
Israeli forces teargassing Paletsinian demonstrators
Israeli forces teargassing Paletsinian demonstrators