Day 4: When school becomes Israeli Occupation

16 October 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank On the 4th day of demonstrations outside of a checkpoint in Hebron, on October 16 2011, IDF soldiers shot tear gas and projected ‘The Scream’ at a group of young schoolchildren and female teachers, who were attempting to hold a lesson outside of the checkpoint as … Continue reading Day 4: When school becomes Israeli Occupation

Teachers in Hebron give lessons at Checkpoint 56

12 October 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank This morning the pupils and teachers from Qutuba School protested against the treatment of teachers at checkpoint 56. When, for the second day running, the teachers were not allowed to use the checkpoint gate that they usually use, they refused to pass through. In response at … Continue reading Teachers in Hebron give lessons at Checkpoint 56

Israeli forces commemorate Goldstein Massacre with tear gas and sound bombs

25 February 2010 On 25 February 2010 eight ISM volunteers gathered at the Hebron Municipality building alongside Hebron residents, Israeli activists and other international volunteer groups. Television crews were already interviewing local organizers and political leaders; Israeli activists scrambled to finish the last of their demonstration placards with phrases in Hebrew saying “Open Shuhada Street,” … Continue reading Israeli forces commemorate Goldstein Massacre with tear gas and sound bombs

CPT: Netanyahu statement on Ibrahimi Mosque leads to unrest in Hebron

Christian Peacemaker Team 22 February 2010 On 21 February 2010 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced the Israeli government’s intention to designate as Jewish heritage sites Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem and the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. Netanyahu’s statement has led to considerable concern and outrage in the Palestinian community. The Ibrahimi Mosque is one of the … Continue reading CPT: Netanyahu statement on Ibrahimi Mosque leads to unrest in Hebron

(New Video!) Demonstration against Ketziot raid in Hebron

25 October Hebron *New video!* Palestinian residents in Hebron protesting the Ketziot prison attack were subject to an all-day onslaught of rubber bullets, tear gas and sound grenades by the Israeli soldiers. The protest took the form of a strike, organised by the Islamic National Forces in response to the killing of one Palestinian prisoner … Continue reading (New Video!) Demonstration against Ketziot raid in Hebron