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Press Releases

Floyd star switches concert venue

By the BBC Former Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has switched the venue for a solo concert in Israel following pressure from dozens of Palestinian artists. The bassist was to perform in Tel Aviv in June but will now play ...

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Apartheid “Closed Military Zone” In Hebron

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Over Passover holiday, under the guise of a “Closed Military Zone” (CMZ) the Israeli authorities in Hebron have been excluding Palestinians and international Human Rights Workers (HRWs) from the streets of the Old City and Tel Rumeida ...

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Non-violent Protest in Beit Sira on Friday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Villagers in Beit Sira will continue to protest against the annexation of their land this Friday, despite threats of collective punishment by the Israeli Civil Administration. The Administration has threatened to withdraw all work permits from the ...

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Non-violent Action Continues in Bil’in on Friday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Villagers in Bil’in accompanied by international and Israeli peace campaigners will continue to protest against the annexation of their land this Friday, despite continued intimidation by the Israeli Army. Israeli Army Hummers and Jeeps invaded the village ...

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Some Palestinian reactions to the suicide bombing

1. Some Palestinian reactions to the suicide bombing 2. The Party Line: ‘Palestinians attack, Israelis respond’ 3. Palestinians commemorate Prisoners Day, as all hell breaks loose 4. Update on Occupied Home in Nablus 5. Journalists, medical volunteers and bystanders targeted, ...

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