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Press Releases

Olive Trees, Wheat Fields Destroyed Again

Reported by Operation Dove Several olive trees were discovered uprooted or broken and a field of wheat destroyed by a jeep in the Southern Hebron Hills village of At-Tuwani Thursday, February 9. The discovery was made in the Khorruba area ...

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Victory for Palestine Solidarity Activists

According to Green Left Weekly, “Seven activists who blockaded the British distribution centre of Israel’s biggest state-owned agricultural export company Agrexco in November 2004 were acquitted of all charges on January 26. The activists had been charged with “aggravated trespass ...

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Invitation to ISM’s Spring Campaign

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is inviting volunteers to come to Palestine for a conference on Joint Nonviolent Struggle in Bil’in and for ISM’s Spring campaign The Bil’in Conference will take place February 20 & 21, 2006. ISM’s Spring Campaign ...

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ISM Co-Founder Nominated for Nobel Prize

*Reflections of a Deportation *ISM Co-Founder Among Duo Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize *Palestinian Action Alert for Friday, February 10 *Church Votes to Sell off Shares to Caterpillar *Villagers Expand First Palestinian Settlement * Rickman and Rachel Juggle Three Wins ...

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Palestinian action alerts for Friday, Feb. 10

Bil’in: Villagers will attempt to hold a demonstration on areas of their land confiscated for the construction of Israel’s annexation barrier after 12 p.m. prayers. Bil’in villagers have employed an array of creative nonviolent tactics to oppose the expropriation of ...

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ISM Co-Founder Among Duo Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Letter from the AFSC nominating Ghassan Andoni and Jeff Halper for the Nobel Peace Prize The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker peace and social justice organization, has nominated two candidates for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize: Jeff Halper ...

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Villagers expand first Palestinian settlement

Released February 8, 2006 Palestinian outpost with Israeli settlement constructionin the background. The Israeli army served Bil’in villagers a seizure order for six dunams yesterday. The villagers responded by expanding their own outpost, building a second house on the west ...

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Statement Against Cartoons

Statement by the International Solidarity Movement, International Women’s Peace Service, the Tel Rumeida project and Holy Land Trust (local organisations working with international citizens and peace teams in Palestine): We strongly condemn the recently published derogatory illustrations of the prophet ...

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