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ISM USA Speaking Tour

From October 14 – November 15, 2005, Palestinian Ayed Morrar and Israeli Jonathan Pollak will be touring the United States speaking about Nonviolent Resistance in Palestine. The tour will visit New York, North Carolina, Washington D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, the ...

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Olive harvest begins in Bil’in

On September 30th the people of the West Bank village of Bil’in attempt to harvest their olives. Their lands are now on the other side of the Apartheid Wall construction site. Click here to stream the video from IndyMedia. Click ...

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The Land Grab Continues in West Bank

Mohamed, 13, runs with the Palestinian flag on a beach near the former Israeli settlement of Neve Dekalim, 12 September 2005. Mohamed said this was the first time he had been to the beach since he was born. Thousands of ...

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Israeli War Criminals Find Tough Crowd Abroad

Israeli war criminals are finding more challenges as they attempt to travel abroad. The International Solidarity Movement encourages all those concerned about human rights to continue pressuring the United Nations against inviting Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to to address ...

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Israel represses non-violent protest in occupied West Bank

Submitted by David Bloom Every Friday for months now, the Palestinian village of Bi’lin in the Israeli-occupied West Bank has been the scene of creative and organized non-violent protests against the illegal construction of Israel’s “separation wall,”which will cut off ...

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Bil’in Locked Down in Curfew

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ISM Media Team Contact: Mohammed 0545851893 Media Office: 022971824 Greta: 0542011548 At 5:00 am, three border police cars broke the peaceful sleep of the villagers in Bil’in, moving through the village with their bullhorns blaring. “You are ...

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