Thousands march to end settlements in Hebron

24 February 2012 | Youth Against Settlements
The “Youth Against Settlements” movement marked the 18 year anniversary of the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre with a peaceful march, as part of Apartheid Week in Palestine, demonstrating through the streets of Hebron, violently broken up by Israeli forces.
Eight thousand of Palestinians from across the West Bank, joined by solidarity activists, participated in the demonstration in Hebron on Friday, February 24th, calling for the reopening of Shuhada Street.  Occupation forces arrested Badia Dweik (39), member of Youth Against Settlements, along with Fadi Quran (24) and four other Palestinians.  Issa Amro, Coordinator of Youth Against Settlements and dozens of others suffered asphyxiation due to overwhelming amounts of tear gas.
Medical sources from Mohammad Ali Hospital reported that the number of injured protesters that arrived to the hospital and were treated was over 80 people. The number of people injured continues to rise as a result of tear gas weapons being used in the region.
The events Friday were only a few of many activities taking place as part of a wider campaign, the 3rd Annual Global Day of Action to Open Shuhada Street.  This year’s campaign was called “Shideh Helek Ya Balad” (a call for Hebronites to join the struggle), organized by Youth Against Settlements.
Unarmed demonstrators chanted for the reopening of Shuahda Street, ending the closure on the city of Hebron, and the removal of settlers from the city.  Other chants expressed solidarity with Sheikh Khader Adnan who had recently ended his hunger strike, as well as calling for Palestinian national unity.
Media spokesperson for the 3rd Annual Global Day of Action to Open Shuhada Street, Tamer Al-Atrash said,
Despite our peaceful, unarmed demonstration, Occupation forces met it with violence as yet another way of supporting the illegal settlement enterprise.  None of this will stop us from continuing our struggle to reopen Shuhada Street, the closure of which results in severe human rights violations.  Worldwide solidarity actions took place today.  thousand of Palestinians from various regions of the West Bank, and representing the full political spectrum, met in Hebron in coordination with national and Islamic entities in the city.
The Annual Global Day of Action to Open Shuhada Street falls on the 18th commemoration of the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre.  The campaign was launched in 2010 in more than 25 locations across the world, growing the following year to more than 31 locations.  This year over 35 solidarity actions will take place globally.
Shuhada Street is in the heart of Hebron and is the central thoroughfare connecting all corners of the city.  It has been closed since the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre in 1994.
Youth Against Settlements is a politically unaffiliated national youth movement working to end the Occupation and to dismantle settlements through nonviolent community actions.
On the occasion of the 3rd Annual Global Day of Action to Open Shuhada Street, the Mayor of Naples, Italy, sent the following message of solidarity:
In a normal country, Shuhada Street would be a swarm of workshops, sellers of zatar, barbers and candy artisans.  In a country under occupation, Shuhada Street, is instead subjected to an endless curfew, closed shops, racist drawings and writings painted on walls and doors. Citizens from international movements, as well as Palestinians and Israelis, who are acting in a nonviolent manner to reopen Shuhada Street, represent one of the best aspects of solidarity and humanity.  I send them all my support and hope that Hebron will soon return to be a town of inclusion.  In fact, the Arabic name of the city, Al-Khalil, means “friend” and those who live there cannot, and never will be an enemy.
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Military radio targets protesters for future arrests

24 February 2012 | Israeli Military Radio- Online

Shuhada Street in Hebron today may become the scene of a confrontation, as hundreds of left-wing Jews and Arabs are expected to march there to protest the closure of Shuhada Street from Palestinians. Police and army will attempt to keep order.

At 12:00 today (Friday) hundreds of leftists, anarchists and Palestinians are expected to arrive  in Hebron, walk along Shuhada Street, which is closed to Palestinians. Security forces are preparing for the demonstration and are trying to prevent it from sliding into serious violence and keeping the peace.

Right-wing activist Baruch Marzel, commented on protesters Issa Amr and others, stating: “I expect the security forces to deal with terrorist Issa Amro and all partners who attack IDF soldiers… Issa Amro has been rampamtly inciting for years against the IDF soldiers, and no one does anything to him. ”

In Photos: Clashes in Hebron’s Old city during a ‘Open Shudada Street’ rally

by Emilie Baujard

24 February 2012 | Demotix

Hundreds of Palestinian and international activists protest in Hebron calling for the city’s al-Shuhada Street to be opened up to Palestinian traffic. The Israeli Army dispersed the protestors with stun grenades and tear gas.  The Israeli Army entered the Old City to disperse the demonstration.
Open Shuhada Street – Click here for more photos
Palestinian youth activist and native of Al Bireh, Fadi Quran,was pepper sprayed in the face, assaulted, and arrested by Israeli forces while attending a protest calling for the reopening of a major thoroughfare for Palestinians in the city of Hebron.
The full video is available at and was filmed by Amer Abdeen.

Israeli police clash with Palestinians in al-Aqsa, kill one

24 February 2012 | Press TV

Clashes broke out after Israeli police fired tear gas and used stun grenades on hundreds of Palestinians who had gathered outside al-Aqsa Mosque following the Friday Prayers to protest against Israeli attacks on the holy site earlier this week. One man was killed amid protests in nearby Qalandia following the Zionist incursion into Al Aqsa.

Some reports, however, suggest that the attack came as Palestinians were praying. The clashes followed nearly a week of unrest at the holy site.

“We were praying when they started shooting tear gas towards us,” 58-year-old Umm Mohammad told AFP.

Four Palestinians were also arrested.

Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is one of the holiest sites in Islam, has been the scene of clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian worshipers since the occupation of Palestinian lands.

On Sunday, Israeli police attacked al-Aqsa Mosque and arrested at least 18 Palestinians after Jewish settlers clashed with Palestinian worshippers at the holy site.

Israeli troops also clashed with Palestinian worshipers in the area on Tuesday and Thursday.

Municipality creates garbage dump inside Bab Alsbat cemetery next to Lion Gate in the Old City

22 February 2012 | Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan

Large quantities of waste are being piled by the Jerusalem Municipality inside the Islamic cemetery (Bab Alsbat) next to Lions Gate in the old city, in a move that has upset and offended the City’s thousands of Muslim inhabitants. The Lions Gate, which lies close to the sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque, is now awash with the overpowering stench of accumulated garbage.

One resident stated that the Jerusalem Municipality “is unashamedly discriminatory in its practices. They not only use a sacred place as a rubbish dump, they even burn the rubbish here, inside a holy place  the Bab Alasbat cemetery. Why has UNESCO not tried to stop the Municipality?”

A resident Christian priest of the Old City told Silwanic that he considered the Municipality’s actions unlawful, and encouraging of racist in Jerusalem.