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The Battle Ground of the South Hebron Hills

28th December 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | al-Khalil, Hebron, occupied Palestine The South Hebron Hills is one of the battle zones against the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. This area stretches along the southern border of the West ...

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Outside the school, inside al Khalil

19th December 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | al-Khalil, occupied Palestine Most of us are plenty used to absent minded scrolling our Facebook feeds. After all you can find just about anything you want and not have to ...

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A Tale of Zero Cities

11th November 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Um al-Khair, Occupied Palestine Last month in northern Palestine brought stories of Israeli settlers from the illegal Yitzhar settlement that, however horrifying, all suffered an important shortcoming: the scope of the ...

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When buildings break bones

1st October 2017 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus team | Urif, Einabus & Huwara, occupied Palestine It was a somber trip through the villages of Urif, Einabus, and Huwara yesterday. Their peripheries continue to be threatened by the illegal settlement ...

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