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Action Alerts

Six solidarity hunger strikers in Hebron

By Team Khalil 18 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine Six Solidarity Hunger Strikers in Hebron. Six people in Hebron go on hunger strike in support of Ayman Ismail Sharawna who has been on hunger strike in ...

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Resist the land grab: donate a tree

29 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus, Occupied Palestine For more than a decade the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) has supported Palestinians during the olive harvest, a task which continues to be challenging. We regularly support farmers by accompanying ...

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Help release Mamun Nasser from Israeli prison

Update on 8 Feb: Mamun is now home with his family! Thank you to all contributors who donated so far! We have received $950 and managed to borrow the other $150 for Mamun’s bail.  If you can, please donate. Any ...

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Time For Justice – A call from Palestine to EU citizens

Join the Palestinian call urging EU citizens to act for justice for Palestine. EU representatives have expressed numerous concerns about Israeli violations towards Palestine, however, witnessing ever-increasing violations, words are not enough. Ask your representatives to act and call for ...

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