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Action Alerts

UPDATE: Shepherds in Salem

7th May 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Huwarra Team | Salem, Occupied Palestine Update 14th May: The wheat is not ready for harvest yet. The call for people to help the shepherds and farmers on their land is postponed until next ...

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Action alert: Help free 14-year-old Malak

1st February 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team  | Occupied Palestine On January 21st, 14 year old Malak Khatib was sentenced by the Israeli military courts to two months in Israeli jails. Malak has been in Hasharon prison for over a ...

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Thank you, Ibrahim is home

23rd November 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Bil’in, Occupied Palestine The Bil’in Popular Committee would like to thank everyone who supported Ibrahim Abu-Rahma, the 15-year-old boy who was arrested  on September 14th while walking to school. A military judge ruled that he could ...

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Action alert: Arrested on the way to school in Bil’in

23rd September 2013 | International Solidarity Movement | Bil’in, Occupied Palestine On September 14th at 11:00 in the morning, 15 year-old Ibrahim Abu-Rahma was walking to school with his little brother, 13-year-old Ahmed, in their village of Bil’in. An Israeli army jeep had infiltrated ...

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Action alert: Open Rafah now

18th August 2014 | Open the Rafah crossing permanently and unconditionally | Occupied Palestine In response to calls from human rights defenders in Gaza who ask that we bring an end to the Egyptian government’s complicity in Israel’s genocide of the people of ...

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Action alert: Join ISM

16th August 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied Palestine The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is placing a call out for volunteers to join us in the West Bank now, and for the olive harvest beginning in October. We need solidarity ...

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