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YNet: Peace Now report: Settlers Enjoy Luxury Roads

Peace Now report: Settlers enjoy luxury roads Organization says State invests large sums in constructing highways for settlers in West Bank, while shortage in funds leaves infrastructure within Green Line lacking Efrat Weiss Published: 08.26.07, 12:04 / Israel News While ...

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Twenty Palestinians Left Homeless in Jordan Valley

ISRAELI MILITARY RENDERS TWENTY PALESTINIANS HOMELESS, CONFISCATES JORDAN VALLEY LAND For Immediate Release Contact: Molly Simons 0599943157 This morning at 8:30 am, The Israeli military demolished the small village of Al-Hadidya in the Jordan Valley. The four small homes that ...

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Hebron: Action to Access Lands

On Friday 3rd August, Human Rights activists will accompany the members of a local Palestinian family to access their land close to the Illegal Kiryat Arba Settlement in Hebron. On all previous occassions where the family has attempted to access ...

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Artas and Walaja: Anti Wall and Occupation Demonstration

On Friday the 3rd August Anti-Wall and Anti Occupation demonstrations will be taking place in Artas and Walaja. Both these villages in the South Bethlehem region are subject to having significant amounts of their land confiscated by the illegal construction ...

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