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Open The Zone: Palestinians are people – not numbers

3rd May 2016 | Open The Zone Campaign: International Solidarity Movement & Youth Against Settlements | Hebron, occupied Palestine *******UPDATE 20th May 2016******* The closed military zone order has officially been ‘lifted’ – many restrictions and discrimination remain. ******* 3rd ...

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Call for Action: Save Mohammed al-Qiq

18th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement| occupied Palestine 33-year-old journalist, Mohammed al-Qiq, is on hunger strike since November 25 2015, in protest against his imprisonment without charges or trial in Administrative Detention by Israel. Al-Qiq’s health has deteriorated to ...

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ISM calls for internationals to volunteer in Palestine

15th February, 2016 | International Solidarity Movement | occupied Palestine Today, Palestinians are facing an enormous amount of pressure in their lives due to the growing violence of Israeli forces. They face restrictions of movement, daily harassment, intimidation and attacks at ...

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