Demonstrators call for end to unjust restrictions in Hebron 22 years after Ibrahimi mosque massacre

26th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On 26th February 2016, Palestinians in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) jointly commemorated the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre and protested against the closure of Shuhada Street and the illegal Israeli military occupation.

kids apartheid 2016
Palestinian children display a sign against the apartheid regime

The peaceful demonstration, organised by the local activist group Youth Against Settlements as part of their Open Shuhada Street campaign, started marching from al-Nimrah mosque after the noon prayer towards the Ibrahimi Mosque. Palestinians, international supporters and journalists from local and international media walked through the streets of the city toward the Ibrahimi mosque, chanting against the illegal Israeli occupation, the illegal settlements and in support of prisoners under administrative detention being held by Israel without charge or trial.

open shuhada st 2016 march
Palestinians from across the West Bank and international activists marched together in solidarity to Open Shuhada Street

The demonstration was in commemoration of the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, in which 29 Muslim worshipers were murdered by extremist Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein when he opened fire inside the mosque during a Ramadan Friday prayer, also injuring more than 120 people. In the aftermath of this heinous massacre, Israeli forces cracked down on Palestinian basic human rights and freedom of movement, closing shops in the once thriving Palestinian market in Shuhada Street and completely barring them from accessing this road that has been declared a sterile area. The Ibrahimi Mosque was divided into exclusively Jewish and exclusively Muslim areas for most of the year, with access to the mosque entirely controlled by Israeli forces.

israeli forces open shuhada
Israeli forces deploying against nonviolent demonstration in al-Khalil

Israeli Forces ambushed the peaceful march when they were about half way towards the Ibrahimi Mosque, using the roof of a Palestinian family home to throw stun grenades into the crowd of people peacefully making their way to the mosque. As the demonstrators rapidly tried to escape the stun grenades flying at them in from above above in quick succession, Israeli forces began shooting endless rounds of tear gas into the neighbourhood. They aimed mainly, though not only, above the heads of the protesters into the neighbourhood populated by Palestinian civilians not even involved in the march.

israeli forces open shuhada demo
Excessive amounts of tear gas used against peaceful protesters
soldiers tear gassed themselves!
Israeli forces even made themselves sick from inhaling the tear gas they employed excessively against protesters and nearby Palestinian homes

While Israeli forces showered the area in tear gas, the sound of ambulance sirens echoed through the streets. About a dozen people had to be taken to hospital by ambulance for excessive tear gas inhalation. “We were filming with an ambulance next to us and we could see the Israeli army target this ambulance, throwing stun grenades directly at it”, recalled James, an Australian activist.

Israeli forces arrested two Palestinians, one of them a lawyer, the other a journalist. The journalist was directly targeted by the army, that went up to a group of people, grabbed him and walked away with him while ignoring everyone else.

This 7th annual Open Shuhada Street protest comes after months of increasing violence, restrictions and collective punishment imposed by Israeli authorities on al-Khalil’s Palestinian residents. At the end of October Israeli forces began imposing a ‘closed military zone‘ on the short portion of Shuhada street where Palestinians were previously still allowed to walk, along with a large part of the adjacent Tel Rumeida neighbourhood. Palestinian residents and activist groups have been nonviolently resisting the closed military zone, which requires residents to register in order to be allowed into their homes and bars other Palestinian and human rights defenders from entry. The closed military zone, along with the widespread, deadly violence and closures deployed against Palestinians in al-Khalil, has also been broadly condemned by Palestinian and international human rights groups; on the February 25th anniversary of the Ibrahimi mosque massacre, Amnesty International released a public statement calling on Israeli authorities to “lift the discriminatory restrictions, end the collective punishment of Palestinians in the city and protect human rights defenders there.”

Palestinian school children tear gassed by shameful Israeli forces

26th February 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Salaymeh checkpoint in occupied Al-Khalil (Hebron) is notorious for Israeli forces using live ammunition, tear gas and stun grenades to willfully wound, frighten, intimidate and demoralize Palestinan school children on a daily basis. In one of the most grotesque examples of this inhumane Zionist occupation, this checkpoint see’s scared Palestinian kids, many aged five years old and younger, cross through under the protection of their parents and international activists. Their presence is essential to desperately attempt to ensure the sacred lives of these innocent children are kept safe from aggressive Israeli forces. All those involved are regularly exposed to brutal acts of violence with Israeli soldiers almost never being held accountable. On Thursday the 25th of February, just 11 days after Yasmin al-Zarour was gunned down at the soon to be upgraded checkpoint, for Israeli ‘security purposes’, Palestinian children and woman were attacked by multiple units of the occupying forces as they attempted to get to where all children should have a right to peacefully enter, school.

Palestinian children submissively pass through the Salaymeh checkpoint under the protection of their mothers, fathers, older siblings or international activists. Collectively, these groups of individuals are there to ensure the safety of the children and to limit the dehumazing behaviour of the Israeli soldiers towards the young kids. After being herded through like sheep, a group of young kids decide to return from their school and express their objection towards this brutal occupancy. Much to the anger of the rest of the Palestinian community, the kids throw stones at the soldiers then quickly retreat to their school. This small act of defiance is met with an extreme show of power and violence from the Israeli military. A stun grenade is immediately hurled down the school street by a soldier, scaring off confused and unaware children. At this point, the Israeli forces rush to prepare their full combat gear, putting on their armoured helmets and collecting tear gas grenades and cannisters, all in an effort to pursue the already retreating school children.

Israeli soldiers rush to their full combat gear in preparation for invading the school zone
Israeli soldiers rush to their full combat gear in preparation for invading the school zone

As if the Israeli forces dominance over the stone throwing children is not already apparent by the extreme imbalance of force shown, fully armoured Israeli soldiers rush beyond the checkpoint into the busy school street. Waving guns in an attempt to scare any innocent bystanders in the process, the soldiers make their way to the Palestinian school. Carefully positioning themselves for the optimal angle, the Israeli commander of the unit teaches a fumbling soldier how to load his assualt rifle with tear gas, then proceeds to fire it towards woman and children. Tear gas soon fills the street and leaves many school children and their protective families struggling to see and breath.

Israeli commander instructs his soldier on how to fire a tear gas grenade at fleeing Palestinian children
Israeli commander instructs his soldier on how to fire a tear gas grenade at fleeing Palestinian children
Local Palestinian woman and children were the target of Israeli forces tear gas
Local Palestinian woman and children were the target of Israeli forces tear gas

This is our third day in a row at this checkpoint and each day its gotten progressively worse. First with stun grenades, then tear gas and assault rifles with the safety pins removed. The soldiers are out of control. It’s beyond shocking. Back home we wouldn’t even have a reference point for this craziness. It’s impossible to contemplate until you actually come here and witness occupation. No one in there would ever imagine that this happens to children in this day and age.” ISM activist on the scene.

Israeli forces continue to encroach into a school zone after already tear gassing the retreating children
Israeli forces continue to encroach into a school zone after already tear gassing the retreating children

A second unit of Israeli forces then enters from the adjacent street, pushing deeper into the school zone as the other unit pulls back. With their safety pins removed and their assault rifles darting from one innocent child to another, soldiers assert their dominance over the unarmed Palestinian people and even begin threatening local drivers in their cars at gun point.

At one point I thought the Palestinian driver was going to be killed for sure. The soldier was yelling at him in Hebrew whilst walking with the car back in reverse before the poor driver just eventually sped off for his life. An innocent driver… Madness.” Human rights defender.

Israeli soldier threatens to open fire on innocent Palestinian driver whilst soldiers continue to target the school children
Israeli soldier threatens to open fire on innocent Palestinian driver whilst soldiers continue to target the school children

“The children? Haha… I am a man… I am THE man.” An Israeli soldier’s response to an activist when questioned about his moral decision to throw a stun grenade at young Palestinian children.

The attrocities experienced by these young Palestinian children are not isolated. They are occurring every day. And they are occurring to Palestinian kids all over the occupied territories. Even with the presence of internationals to bring an element of desperately needed accountability to this horrific occupation, Israeli forces still show no mercy towards the Palestinian people. But with sorrow comes opportunity. An opportunity for the world to come together and bring about positive change. Regarding an issue that is unanimously regarded as sacred, the safety and wellbeing of children is something that no legitimate governing state would ever compromise. With the fragile lives of these children in the balance, it is up to the rest of the world to join together in unity and demand an end to this barbaric treatment and Israel’s apartheid regime.

Palestinian school children enjoying the safety of their class room
Palestinian school children enjoying the safety of their class room

11th annual Bil’in demonstrations see protestors confront Israeli military at the apartheid wall

20th February 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team | Bi’lin, occupied Palestine

On Friday the 20th of February, protesters took to the streets of Bil’in for the 11th consecutive year to demonstrate against the apartheid wall. Palestinians and international activists came together in solidarity to unite against the annexation wall which provides shelter for the illegal settlement of Modin Ilit, built on what was once Bil’in farming land. In 2007 after 9 months of daily protesting, the Israeli court ruled that the wall be re-routed. After major delays only parts of the wall were re-routed. 9 years later the locals are still protesting for the rest of their land from the Israeli government.

Palestinian activists marching towards the apartheid wall
Palestinian activists marching towards the apartheid wall
Young Palestinian man sits defiantely on army jeep
Young Palestinian man sits defiantely on army jeep

At 1pm the Palestinians and activists in solidarity with the Palestinian people took to the streets after prayer to peacefully march toward the apartheid wall. The march consisted of a truck leading the way with the rest of the march accompanying them on foot and singing songs of defiance. The march was met by an armed and ready Israeli army at the apartheid wall. Within minutes of the peaceful protesting stun grenades and tear gas were fired by Israeli forces. The crowd was set into panic and forced to run in all directions to escape heavy tear gas inhalation.

”We were just standing there when he was shot twice in the leg and then the tear gas canister flew straight by us!”, explains James, an ISM activist.

Army using excessive tear gas against peaceful demonstrators
Army using excessive tear gas against peaceful demonstrators

Some Palestinians hid and emerged again to throw stones in defiance. From this point on the Israeli army began using excessive force firing rubber coated steel bullets and much more tear gas directly at the Palestinians and fellow protesters.

”We were nowhere near the protest, standing at least 200 metres back and standing around the media vans when the tear gas cannisters landed all around us”, explains Michael, an ISM volunteer.

Israeli activist from 'All That's Left' in opposition against occupation
Israeli activist from ‘All That’s Left’ in opposition against occupation

What started as a peaceful protest quickly turned into what resembled a game for the Israeli army as they began to choose targets at random to fire steel coated rubber bullets and tear gas at. None the less the will of the Palestinian people remains and they will continue to march peacefully and in solidarity against the apartheid wall.

Peace and positivity remains
Peace and positivity remains

11 years of peaceful resistance in Bil’in

February 18th, 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Bil’in, occupied Palestine

On Friday, February 19th, residents of the village of Bil’in will march to celebrate the 11th aniversary of the beginning of the weekly protest against occupation. The small village of inhabitants has for over a decade united Palestinians and internationals to support their cause, following a non-violent, peaceful way of resisting against the illegal stealing and the occupation of their land.

Palestinians take part in one of the nonviolent demonstrations against Israel's wall in Bilin, September 2006. (Oren Ziv/ActiveStills)
Palestinians take part in one of the nonviolent demonstrations against Israel’s wall in Bilin, September 2006. (Oren Ziv/ActiveStills)

The protests were initiated in 2005 when Israeli forces started uprooting trees on land belonging to Palestinians on the outskirts of the village, claiming they needed to free the route for the future wall that would be built for ‘security reasons’. Residents of the village first tried stopping bulldozers, calling for international and Israeli activists to join and support them, but the land was seized, and the wall was built.

The protests still continued, and every Friday villagers march to the wall to protest its illegal route and the expansion of the illegal settlement of Modin Ilit that is located right behind the wall and build on the villages land. The popular resistance committee also engaged in a legal battle against the presence of the wall on their farmland. Organisations in Israel and around the world supported their cause, and soon the weekly protest became a famous example of civil disobedience and peaceful resistance in Palestine. In 2007, the Israeli court ruled that the wall has to be re-routed. After major delays, a part of the wall was re-routed, marking a small victory for the village who thus regained at least part of their land.

Residents of Bil’in never stopped protesting against occupation since then. During the demonstration, many were injured, and two of the villagers were killed by Israeli forces, Bassem Abu Rahmah, 29 and Jawaher Abu Rahmah, 36, were killed in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Bassem Abu Rahmah, 29  died after being hit by a high-velocity tear-gas canister in the stomach.

Despite the violent opposition of the army during the weekly protests, the villagers are determined never to give up their struggle for their land, justice, dignity and against the illegal Israeli occupation.

Poster for the anniversary of the popular struggle in Bi'lin
Poster for the anniversary of the popular struggle in Bi’lin

Demonstrators protest closed military zone under threat of Israeli violence

8th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

On 8th February 2016, Israeli forces threatened to attack a peaceful demonstration in front of Shuhada checkpoint in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron).

Israeli forces forcing demonstrators back
Israeli forces forcing demonstrators back

Protesters gathered at noon to protest the continued closure of the Tel Rumeida neighbourhood, that on the 1st of November 2015 was declared a ‘closed military zone’ by Israeli forces. Palestinian residents were forced to register with the Israeli army in order to be allowed to live in their family homes and be permitted into the closed zone. At the same time, settlers from the illegal settlements located directly adjacent to Palestinian houses are free to roam the streets with assault rifles slung over their shoulders like an accessories, as the closed military zone was deliberately designed to exclude the settlements while including Palestinian neighbourhoods. Friends and family of the Palestinian residents are barred from access, as are doctors and repair workers; human rights defenders were forcefully arrested and kicked out of their apartments and offices.

Demonstrators gathered in front of Shuhada checkpoint
Demonstrators gathered in front of Shuhada checkpoint

The demonstration, organised by the Hebron Defense Committee, walked up to Shuhada checkpoint (checkpoint 56) chanting against the illegal collective punishment exerted on all the Palestinian residents resulting from the closed military zone. Israeli forces immediately gathered at Shuhada checkpoint, the checkpoint just recently ‘renovated’ into a cage-like monstrosity that makes reaching their homes and schools even more humiliating, intimidating and dangerous for Palestinians. Throughout the demonstration Palestinian school children on their way home were denied passage through the checkpoint.

School-children forced to wait at Shuhada checkpoint
School-children forced to wait at Shuhada checkpoint

Israeli forces had previously ordered demonstrators already gathered at the protest tent in front of the checkpoint, which has been organized by Youth Against Settlements for over a month in protest of the closed military zone, to leave the area.

Israeli forces ordering protest tent to leave the area
Israeli forces ordering protest tent to leave the area

As soon as Palestinians started gathering in front of the checkpoint, Israeli forces advanced towards the peaceful demonstration dressed in heavy “riot control” gear and with their machine guns cocked. They immediately forced the Palestinians to move back, threatening them to shoot tear gas at the demonstrators peacefully exercising their right to protest. Even after complying with the order and moving further away from the checkpoint, Israeli forces stood outside the checkpoint aiming their guns at the gathering – even though they were in the supposedly Palestinian-controlled H1 area of al-Khalil. A group of soldiers entered a house in the H1 area, using the roof as a vantage point to surveil the demonstration.

Israeli forces threatening the use of force against peaceful demonstration
Israeli forces threatening the use of force against peaceful demonstration

February 8th marks 100 days since the Tel Rumeida neighbourhood was first declared a closed military zone. With the renewal of the order till the 1st of March, Palestinian residents face yet another month of arbitrary threats, humiliation, violence and denial of their most basic human rights by Israeli forces. The area covered by the closed military zone order includes the tiny strip of Shuhada Street where Palestinians are still allowed to live after the 1994 Hebron Mosque Massacre that was taken as an ‘excuse’ by Israeli forces for the closure of the main Palestinian market in Shuhada Street. This closure of the majority of Shuhada Street for Palestinians is protested yearly in the Open Shuhada Street Campaign.