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Tag Archives: Settlement

Karmei Tsur: Poisoning the vine with Zionism

by Joseph 7 May 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank   When Ali Awad visited his orchard on Friday morning before the midday prayer he noticed nothing out of the usual. But eight hours later, when he returned to ...

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Yitzhar settlers attack school children in Urif

by Chris Beckett 29 April 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Urif is a Palestinian town in the Nablus Governorate of the northern occupied West Bank, located thirteen kilometres South of Nablus. The town has a population of just ...

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Settlers grab Palestinian water springs: U.N. report

by Jihan Abdallah 19 March 2012 | Reuters (Reuters) – Jewish settlers have seized dozens of natural springs in the occupied West Bank, barring Palestinians or limiting their access to scarce water sources, a United Nations report said on Monday. ...

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In photos: Beit Ommar weekly protest

by Younes Arar 17 March 2012 | Beit Ommar Popular Committee The Beit Ommar Popular Committee organized today’s weekly peaceful protest adjacent to Karmei Tzur colony built on the stolen land of Beit Ommar farmers. When we arrived next to ...

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The strangulation of a village

by Sylvia 10 March 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Sheikh Nasri looks resigned as he describes his home as “the most terrorised village in the country”. With 34,000 uprooted trees in the last two years and some 4,800 ...

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