Fierce clashes in Hebron rage after death of Arafat Jaradat in Israeli detention

24 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Palestinians protesting last night’s death of Arafat Jaradat while in Israeli administrative detention clashed with Israeli Occupation Forces throughout today in Hebron. Israeli officials claim that Jaradat died in an interrogation centre of a heart attack despite having no health conditions prior to his detention. In a recent court appearance, Jaradat told his lawyer, that “he had serious pains in his back and other parts of his body because he was being beaten up and hanged for many long hours while he was being investigated”. Jaradat was father to a 4 year-old daughter and 2 year-old son and worked as a petrol station attendant;  his widow, Dalal, is currently pregnant.

Teenager shot in thigh with live ammunition now in critical condition
Teenager shot in the thigh with live ammunition and now in critical condition

Centered around the Bab al-Zawiyeh area of central Hebron, soldiers primarily fired rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades at around 1500 demonstrators. Skunk water and teargas was also used excessively at times. An alarm to disperse crowds was played at high volume followed by a warning from the ‘American Technology Corporation’. Dozens were injured (including journalists and one ISM volunteer) with ambulances driving back and forth amongst the crowds.
At least three were injured by live ammunition, including one teenager who was shot in the thigh with a live bullet, which were fired at demonstrators throughout the day. He was taken to Ramallah hospital, but was swiftly moved elsewhere as his condition became critical.

Around an hour ago the soldiers announced that they were about to fire live ammunition into the crowds.
The army was clearly expecting a backlash for the death of Jaradat, with soldiers stationed on the rooftops throughout the old city since the early hours of the morning. Less than 500 meters away on Shuhada Street, around two hundred settlers wore fancy dress, drank alcohol and danced on the street in celebration of the Jewish holiday Purim .

Soldiers fire teargas and steel coated rubber bullets at demonstrators
Soldiers fired teargas and rubber-coated steel bullets at demonstrators
Journalist treated for teargas inhalation
A journalist being treated for teargas inhalation
Soldiers fire tear gas and steel coated rubber bullets at demonstrators
Soldiers mixed their use of rubber-coated steel bullets, teargas and live rounds
Skunk water is sprayed to disperse demonstrators
Skunk water was sprayed to disperse demonstrators

Team Khalil

UPDATED – Arafat Jaradat: Israeli prisons’ latest casualty

23 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Megiddo Prison, Apartheid Israel

Arafat Shalish Shahin Jaradat was just martyred in a special section for the Shin Bet in one of the occupation’s interrogation centres. Arafat was born on jaradat_arafat14  January 1983 and had just turned 30 years-old and lived in Sa’eer, a village near Hebron. He was married and father to a four year-old daughter, Yara, and a two year-old son, Muhammad. Arafat and his wife Dalal were expecting their third child in June. Arafat was also in his first year at al-Quds Open University.

Arafat was arrested on 18 February this year for allegedly throwing a stone at an armed Israeli soldier near the illegal Kiryat Arba settlement near al-Khalil during November’s bombing of Gaza and was held in al-Jalameh Prison for four days before being transferred to Megiddo Prison, near Haifa in Israel. When he was arrested, he did not suffer from any diseases or health conditions, according to family members. A lawyer from Addameer, a Palestinian human rights group, also reported that generally he did not complain from any pain except slightly in his back.

Arafat’s widow, Dalal Ayayda, said that an Israeli intelligence officer brought him back to his home minutes after being arrested and told him to bid farewell to his children. “For that reason I was worried. My husband was detained several times before, but this time the intelligence officer talked in a bizarre way”, she said indicating a degree of premeditation to her husband’s murder.

Arafat’s lawyer, Kameel Sabbagh, who works for the Palestinian prisoners ministry, was present at Arafat’s last hearing on Thursday. He said, “When I sat next to him he told me that he had serious pains in his back and other parts of his body because he was being beaten up and hanged for many long hours while he was being investigated… When Jaradat heard that the judge postponed his hearing [for 12 days] he seemed extremely afraid and asked me if he was going to spend the time left in the cell. I replied to him that he was still in the investigation period and this is possible and that as a lawyer I couldn’t do anything about his whereabouts at this time”. Sabbagh, in a media interview, added that Arafat’s psychological state was precarious and that he had informed the judge that his client had been tortured, including by being forced to sit for long hours in stress positions with his hands shackled behind his back. The judge ordered that Arafat should be examined by the prison doctor, but “this didn’t happen” Sabbagh maintains.

In the context of Ashraf Abu Dra’ being subjected to medical negligence during his detention and dying in a coma on 21 January shortly after his release, a rising tide of violently-repressed street protests in solidarity with prisoners and four detainees on high-profile hungerstrike, Palestinian Authority officials on Saturday demanded an international investigation into the death after the Israeli prison authority claimed it was “probably” due to a cardiac arrest. An autopsy performed at the Israeli National Institute of Forensic Medicine, this Sunday, was conducted by the institute’s chief pathologist, Yehuda Hiss, in the presence of Saber Aloul, the PA’s chief pathologist and the head of the Israeli health ministry’s medical administration, Professor Arnon Afek. Shortly afterwards, the Israeli health ministry, stated that no external signs of violence were found on the body, aside from those those that “could be testimony to resuscitation efforts”.

This was in reference to what Issa Qaraqe, PA minister of detainee affairs said at a news conference in Ramallah, was “information [that] so far is shocking and painful. The evidence corroborates our suspicion that Mr. Jaradat died as a result of torture, especially since the autopsy clearly proved that the victim’s heart was healthy, which disproves the initial alleged account presented by occupation authorities that he died of a heart attack”. The minister said Arafat had sustained injuries and severe bruising in the upper right back area and severe bruises of sharp circular shape in the right chest area.  That the autopsy revealed evidence of severe torture and on the muscle of the upper left shoulder, parallel to the spine in the lower neck area and evidence of severe torture under the skin and inside the muscle of the right side of the chest. His second and third ribs in the right side of the chest were broken, Qaraqe said, and he also had injuries in the middle of the muscle in the right hand. Qaraqe’s deputy, Ziyad Au Ain, urged any doctors, including Israeli ones, in doubt that Arafat was tortured to death, to view his body themselves. Qaddura Fares, president of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, added that the examination revealed seven injuries to the inside the lower lip, bruises on his face and blood on his nose.

Arafat's father after identifying his son's tortured body (Photo: Yotam Ronen/
Arafat’s father after identifying his son’s tortured body (Photo: Yotam Ronen/

The already on-going protests intensified on this Sunday as news of Arafat’s death quickly spread. Demonstrations against Israeli occupation forces have occurred in Bethlehem, Budrus, Betunia, Jenin, al-Khalil, Kfar Kusra, Nabi Saleh, Kfar Qaddum, al-Ram, Turmusaya and al-Quds, plus Huwara and Jalameh checkpoints as well as the Gaza Strip, today. These were suppressed by the Israeli military and police’s array of sophisticated weaponry, including live rounds with two shot. In addition, Ayshel, Ramoun and Nafha prisons saw at least 800 go on a one day hungerstrike.

In other news about the hungerstrikers: Ayman Ismail Sharawna (38) from the village of Deir Samet, has now been transferred to an isolation block in Be’er Sheva Prison having refused food since 1 July 2012 to protest his illegal re-arrest, but as Addameer reported, “He suspended his hunger strike several times, because Israel promised they would review his case.” The Palestinian Prisoner Club reports that Ayman has completely lost his right kidney, half of his left kidney and sight in his left eye. In addition, he also lost a great deal of weight and his health is rapidly deteriorating. He has been transferred from one prison to another and put in  solitary confinement several times to break his steadfastness.

By Addameer’s count, more than 202 detainees died or were killed in Israeli prisons since 1967; dozens of detainees also died after they were released due to diseases they encountered in prison or due to complications resulting from extreme torture and bad conditions in prisons. Today, the Israeli prison system holds close to 4,600 Palestinians on a range of charges, of which 159 are being held without charges or having a trial in so-called administrative detention.

“We are not terrorists, we are only resisting the occupation”

Nine on hunger strike in solidarity with prisoners

22 February 2013| International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Nine Palestinians from Hebron, mostly family members of hunger-striking prisoners, are continuing their hunger strike to express support for, and raise awareness of, the plight of Palestinian political prisoners.
They began their strike last Saturday, and gained much media attention thanks to their presence in a solidarity tent in Hebron in the midst of Monday’s demonstration in support of prisoners. The mother of one of the hunger-striking prisoners, who suffers from diabetes, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after losing consciousness as clashes erupted around them during another demonstration in Hebron. She has been falling in and out of consciousness since. The other hunger strikers continue their strike in the hospital where they go to stay throughout the visiting hours. They refuse any food and are only drinking water. However, one female hunger striker, teacher Nahil Abu Aisha from Hebron, has been forced to interrupt her strike due to a flue.


When asked why the group decided to go on hunger strike, Nahil explained that they want to show solidarity with the prisoners and take part in their resistance struggle. “And of course we’re hoping for a soon release of the prisoners”. She added that they aim to provoke a reaction from the media and draw attention to the unjust treatment of the Palestinian prisoners, as well as the suffering caused by the illegal Israeli occupation at large. “The whole world needs to know what’s going on here”. She emphasized that she and her fellow hunger strikers were ordinary people, mothers, brothers and sympathizers of prisoners, who simply felt compelled to stand up in solidarity against injustice. “We are not terrorists, we are only resisting the occupation”.

Clashes in Huwarra after demonstration against Israeli administrative detention

By Team Nablus

18 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Huwarra, Occupied Palestine

Four people , including one eleven year old boy, were arrested today during clashes between Israeli Soldiers and Palestinian Youth (Shebab). At least one person was taken away from the scene in an ambulance. The Israeli Army used tear gas and sound bombs against a crowd of roughly 100 Palestinians who had gathered to protest the ongoing detention of hundreds of Palestinians without charge , particularly Samer Issawi who is on his 210th of hunger strike. Jafar Izzedin, Ayman Sharawneh and Tariq Qadan are also on hunger strike in Israeli Jails.

Clashes at Huwarra

Paramedic rushes man to ambulance after tear gas exposure

Six solidarity hunger strikers in Hebron

By Team Khalil

18 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Six Solidarity Hunger Strikers in Hebron.

Six people in Hebron go on hunger strike in support of Ayman Ismail Sharawna who has been on hunger strike in prison for 235 days.
These include Ayman’s mother, Zohra, and three brothers, Jihad, Abed al Rahman and Ismail Shawarna. Joining the family members are Nahil Abu Eisha and Etaf Masalmeh. They are all on an open ended hunger strike to publicise the unjust treatment of Ayman and the other Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. A tent has been erected in the centre of Hebron, near Al Manara, as a focal point for the campaign in the city.The hunger strikers in Hebron
Ayman Ismail Shawarna 38, and a father of nine children, from Deir Samet, Dura, near Hebron went on hunger strike on 1-7-2012 to protest his continued illegal detention in an Israeli prison. Ayman has been on hunger strike for 235 days and his condition is critical. Ayman was released from prison in the Hamas-Israeli prisoner swap in October 2011. He was re-arrested by the Israeli authorities on 31-1-2012 in a breach of the deal and held in administrative detention without charge ever since.
Nahil Abu Eisha, a teacher at Cortoba school in Tel Rumeida, Hebron, was arrested and jailed by a military court for two years when she was twelve years old. She was released after one day when forced to pay a fine of 2,000 Jordanian dinars, about 10,500 shekels.
Etaf Masalmeh from Dura has a brother who has been in an Israeli prison for thirteen years.
Abed al Rahmen Sharawna, one of the six solidarity hunger strikers, said “His family saw him (Ayman Sharawna) two months ago and since then has not been allowed to see him.” Abed explained “They want to show the world what is happening too the prisoners, that he is not alone and they have the same feeling as him in prison.” Abed demanded the Israeli authorities give him his belongings as he is sleeping on the floor with no change of clothes or a blanket. Ayman cannot walk and does not have a wheelchair. The solidarity hunger strikers hope the Israeli authorities will do something but fear they will do nothing for Ayman. Abed said “We will try to do something for him. We are on hunger strike untill we get our demands.”
Hunger strikers in Hebron