Palestinian youth shot by Israeli settlers while working his land

27 April 2009

On Monday, the 27th of April, 17-year-old Mohammad Farraj was shot by Israeli settlers while working his lands in Madama, southeast of the city of Nablus.  At around 12:00pm, Mohammad was alone picking almonds on his land near the illegal Israeli settlement of Yizhar.  At least one settler drove up along the nearby settler-only road and shot him in the chest from about 200 meters away.  Mohammad heard three or four shots, and at least one bullet hit him, entering his upper shoulder and exciting through his back.

Mohammad was found wounded by other villagers in the area, who took him in a taxi to the local clinic.  From the clinic, he was transferred by ambulance to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus.  Once at Rafidia, he underwent an emergency operation and was connected to blood tubes.  His condition was described by doctors as moderate.

The Israeli military was not present at the time of Mohammad’s shooting, and no settlers have been punished.  The settlers from Yizhar frequently harass residents of Palestinian villagers in the area.  On the 24th of April, around 30 masked settlers from Yizhar rampaged through the Palestinian village of Urif.  The settlers shot at villagers, houses and water tanks.  The Israeli military soon arrived and also began shooting at Palestinian residents.  At least 12 Palestinians were injured by live ammunition and rubber bullets from soldier and settler gunfire.

Israeli soldiers abduct four Palestinians from Madama village, steal jewellery and money

On the second day of the Israeli massacres of Gaza, Dec. 29, several homes were invaded by the Israeli Army in the town of Madama, east of Nablus. Four men were arrested and homes were damaged in an invasion unusual in the number of arrestees taken from the town. None of the men has since been released, and none have been officially charged with a crime.

The town of Madama is located approximately 4 kilometers south of Nablus, and is subjected to almost nightly invasions – however the arrest of four men at once is a rare occurence. The town is surrounded on two sides by the aggressive Israeli settlements of Bracha and Yitzar.

At 1am on December 29, the Israeli Army invaded the town. They broke down the doors of the family of Na’im Mohammad Nassar immediately, arresting his 24-year-old son Kamal, who is currently studying in Nablus to become a nurse. Soldiers broke a window of the home, rounded up the family of nine, including a 3-month-old baby, and forced them to stay outside in the cold as the army searched the home. Soldiers grabbed the throat of Kamal’s 14-year-old brother and father, choking them as they threw them outside. The family reports still feeling afraid every evening. Kamal’s mother tried to speak with the soldiers, but was insulted and rebuffed. Soldiers shouted ‘Shut your mouth!’ to her upon being approached in any way. They said nothing about why Kamal was being taken. This same family lost a son two years ago who was very ill and who was held at Huwarra checkpoint for two hours as Israeli soldiers refused to allow him to pass through to the hospital. He died waiting to be let through.

At 1:30am, soldiers broke into the home of Omar Abd-Alkarem Nassar, and arrested his 20-year-old son Yasar. They also threatened to arrest his 13-year-old brother. 7 people were held outside of the home for 1.5 hours. When Omar Abd-Alkarem Nassar asked them “Why are you here?”, the soldiers answered “You have nothing – this is our land and we can come here whenever we want.”

The army invaded the home of the Jebir Ahman Massar family at 2am, and arrested 20-year-old Mohammad, who is also studying to be a nurse. The family was again kept outside in cold weather for 1.5 hours without toilet facilities and without being allowed to collect blankets for the children. One 2-year-old boy who was kept outside contracted a cold. Soldiers ransacked their house, dumping belongings on the floors of every room. Soldiers also asked the father, Jebir, for Mohammad’s mobile phone. When he refused to hand it over, they threatened to shoot him.

19-year-old Mohammad Zahirhseen Qut was also arrested – a student in psychology at Al-Quds Open University in Nablus. Neighbours and friends report that soldiers stole jewelery and 500 Jordanian dinars in cash from his home. Also, soldiers invaded the Yamen Cultural and Social Centre, a gathering place for youth in the community. They took the computer from the centre, as well as broke the lock on the door, and threw books and other educational materials onto the floor.

All these families are waiting for their sons to be returned and have heard nothing from them since they were taken by the Israeli military.

House invasions, arrests and abuse by army in Madama and Asira al Qiblyia

In the early morning of July 18th the villages of Madama and Asira al Qiblyia, south of Nablus, were invaded by the Israeli army. A total of twelve houses were invaded and the families, in many cases with small children, were brutally awoken by sound bombs exploding inside their houses. Fifteen young men were arrested without explanation. Many of their family members were physically and verbally abused and their possessions damaged.

In the village of Madama seven families had their houses invaded between 3 am and 6 am on the morning of July 18th. Soldiers broke through the front doors, damaging windows, locks and walls. The soldiers then threw sounds bombs inside the houses, in several cases dangerously close to highly explosive propane gas canisters. The families where forced to wait outside while the soldiers searched the houses. The arrestees were blind folded and beaten and many of their family members were physically abused with pushes and beatings. People also have reported that in a number of cases verbal abuse of racist and sexual nature where used by the military. Ten young men were arrested in Madama and no explanations were given to the arrestees or their families.

In Asira al Qibliya five young men were arrested during the invasion of five houses. The approach by the army was similar to the one in Madama, though somewhat less aggressive. Two men got their ID cards stolen by the soldiers without explanation or information on when they would be returned. Due to the Israeli check points all over the West bank the men who got their ID cards stolen can not go anywhere until they get them back. The army also raided and damaged the local women’s union office and a beauty salon where they stole beauty products.

The villages Madama and Asira al Qiblyia have suffered from harassments and attacks for several years by Israeli military and settlers from the close by illegal settlement of Yizhar. The military have invaded the villages many times and arrested people without cause. The settlers frequently pollutes the villages water resources, kill and steel the villagers sheep and goats, set fire to olive and almond trees, damage houses and physically attack farmers. On several occasions villagers have even been shot by live ammunition fired by the settlers. The villagers have complained to the Israeli authorities on many occasions, only to be arrested after false accusations from the settlers.