ISM activist’s killer sentenced; will similar legal action now be available for Palestinian victims? Not likely in the near future.

Justice is difficult to come by in the middle of an illegal military occupation. For some, with the legal and financial resources and freedom to pursue it, there is a slim chance that they might see some limited response. For many others, though, the chance to have the wrongs committed against them addressed will never … Continue reading ISM activist’s killer sentenced; will similar legal action now be available for Palestinian victims? Not likely in the near future.

What Every American Should Know about Israel/Palestine

A heart-rending talk giving by Cindy and Craig Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie. Rachel was crushed to death by an Israeli military bulldozer when she attempted to block the path to a Palestinian home that they were trying to destroy. The Corries spoke at Socialism 2005. This annual conference was held in Chicago from … Continue reading What Every American Should Know about Israel/Palestine

Ha’aretz: He simply had a mom and dad

By Yossi Sarid By its very nature, an army is not designed to issue justice. As we know, an army marches on its stomach, and a stomach is capable of digesting injustice as well; it is not necessarily guided by justice. Every army, especially during a bloody conflict, has other urgent problems. Justice waits … Continue reading Ha’aretz: He simply had a mom and dad

Israeli activist bridges worlds

By Laila El-Haddad in Gaza Published at “You can’t just come storming in here,” barks Neta Golan to foreign activists who walk casually into her kitchen during their lunch break. “This is someone’s house you know – there’s a kitchen in the other apartment,” she tells them. “They don’t understand it’s rude to just … Continue reading Israeli activist bridges worlds

The Tom Hurndall Shooting – The International Solidarity Movement comments upon the verdict

The ISM acknowledges that though the Israeli military court has found Wahid Taysir guilty of manslaughter it has failed to question the policy and decision makers responsible for Tom’s murder and the murder of thousands of other innocent people. Tom would want us to remember him. But we also know he’d want us to remember … Continue reading The Tom Hurndall Shooting – The International Solidarity Movement comments upon the verdict