Activists disrupt Caterpillar shareholder meeting

Kristin Szremski | The Electronic Intifada 11 June 2010 While pro-Palestinian activists and supporters of Israel lined opposite sides of South LaSalle Street outside the Northern Trust Building in Chicago on 9 June, James Owens, the outgoing CEO and Chairman of Caterpillar Inc., told a room full of shareholders the company was not responsible for … Continue reading Activists disrupt Caterpillar shareholder meeting

Parents speaking out to keep alive memory of child killed in Gaza

Photo by Darrell Sapp, Post-Gazette By Gabrielle Banks Originally published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Cindy and Craig Corrie have been doing speaking engagements a few times per month since their daughter Rachel died kneeling in front of an Israeli Defense Forces bulldozer in Gaza nearly three years ago. The 23-year-old peace activist’s death became such … Continue reading Parents speaking out to keep alive memory of child killed in Gaza