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Another Shabbat Trespass on Abu Haikal Land

By ISM Hebron The Abu Haikals had heard that the settlers were planning to trespass on their land again for a Shabbat celebration. A Human Rights Worker (HRW) visiting in the Abu Haikal house called the District Co-ordinating Office (DCO) ...

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Home demolitions resisted in al-Funduq

by aspiringnomad, November 22nd Five buildings were destroyed and three Palestinians were hospitalized by the Israeli military in al-Funduq, east of Qalqilya today. The Israeli army arrived at 5.30 this morning, allowing the occupants of homes just minutes to collect ...

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IOF attack Qalandia demo against Gaza atrocities

by aspiringnomad On Sunday November 19, Palestinian activists joined by international supporters held a non-violent demonstration at Qalandia checkpoint near Ramallah in solidarity with the people of Gaza against the ongoing Israeli attacks and the Beit Hanoun massacre. Around 50 ...

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Azzun Atma villagers protest against Apartheid Wall

by the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, November 16th Detail of apartheid wall route map, courtesy of B’Tselem. On the November 16th, the Palestinian grassroots organized an event in Azzun Atma village, south Qalqiliya, against the continuing destruction of their ...

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