Nabi Saleh: 11 arrested in weekly demonstration

By Hakim M.

16 July 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

The weekly demonstration in Nabi Saleh faced brutal repression from the Israeli military on Friday, July 13.

Beginning at 1:30 p.m., Palestinian and solidarity activists walked down the village road to find it closed off by Israeli border police and a ‘skunk’ tank, which pumps out a foul-smelling liquid. The crowd headed to Nabi Saleh’s stolen water spring which was annexed by the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Halamish. The protesters were met at the foot of the southern hill by Israeli soldiers resulting in 4 arrests: 3 Israeli activists and one Palestinian.

Young Palestinian boy is treated after being shot by a rubber-coated steel bullet

The demonstration continued to the entrance to the village, where Israeli border police shot a number of rubber-coated steel bullets into the crowd. One protester was shot in the arm and a young Palestinian boy also injured his leg in the process and needed medical care from the Palestinian Red Crescent.

‘Skunk’ water was sprayed at the protest as well as directly into Palestinian homes as a form of collective punishment. Deafening sound bombs were thrown in various directions. 7 more internationals were arrested, either for participating in the protest or just for being in the village of Nabi Saleh on a Friday.

Protesters are met by the Israeli military while trying to reach Nabi Saleh's stolen water spring

After a final tour with 2 military jeeps and the skunk tank, Israeli forces left Nabi Saleh at 5 p.m. Of the 11 arrested, the Palestinian was released within the hour, the Israeli activists some hours later, and the International activists stayed in prison overnight. They faced accusations in court and were not released until 1:00 a.m. on Sunday night. They are forbidden to join any further demonstrations and must leave the country by July 19.

The village of Nabi Saleh was declared a closed military zone (CMZ) every Friday and any solidarity activist, or Palestinian not from the area can be arrested on the charges of entering a CMZ. The increased targeting and subsequent deportations is a further attack by Israel on international solidarity activism and the ability to spread the free word.

Hakim M. is a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (name has been changed).

Commemoration in Kufr Qaddoum: Demonstration turns 1 year

By Hakim M.

16 July 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

On 12 July, the West Bank village of Kufr Qaddoum celebrated the one year anniversary of their weekly, popular demonstration. The regular protests are targeting the closure of their main road in particular, and the Israeli occupation in general.

Kufr Qaddoum residents celebrate the one year anniversary of their weekly protest against the Israeli occupation

One decade ago, the Israeli army closed the road in the name of “security” for the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Qedumim. 20 months ago, the Israeli court ruled that the closure of the road could not be legitimized, however the IOF still claim the road is not safe for transportation and refuse to open it for the residents of Kufr Qaddoum. The journey to Nablus has now increased from 15 minutes to 40 minutes, which is particularly difficult for the many people who commute on a daily basis for education, work, or health reasons.

Since the demonstrations began one year ago, a great number of people have been detained and arrested by Israeli Occupation Forces. Several have been injured, and over a dozen people today bide their time in Israeli prisons. The village experiences regular night raids by the Israeli army

Several inspirational speeches were held on a stage during the commemoration, which included a cultural act when a Palestinian singer got many people dancing.

Hakim M. is a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (name has been changed).

Kufr Qaddoum: Israel fires at peaceful protest, man injured in head

By Amina Simonsson

14 July 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

On Friday, July 13, several protesters were injured when the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) fired tear-gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at the weekly peaceful demonstration in the Palestinian village of Kufr Qaddoum. One man was shot in the head by a tear-gas grenade and was taken to hospital. Two other men were badly injured by rubber-coated bullets.

A young man shot in the head with a tear-gas grenade is carried to ambulance

A home adjacent to the demonstration was hit by tear-gas grenades and caught fire. One child, 2 men, and 4 women were injured by the fire and smoke. An ambulance arrived but was delayed for 30 minutes because of the IOF attacks on the village.

A hand displays the bullets fired by the Israeli army. Beneath a thin rubber coat is a steel sphere.

The IOF also employed use of the ‘skunk’ truck which pumps out a foul smelling water and released several sound bombs to terrorize the village. Although illegal, most of the tear-gas was fired at body-level rather than in an arch in the air. Often, 10-12 canisters were fired at a time.

The purpose of the weekly demonstration in Kufr Qaddoum focuses on the closure of the main road that connects the village with Nablus. The road, which passes alongside the nearby illegal settlement of Qedumim, was closed to Palestinian access. As a result, the journey to Nablus has increased from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. This has resulted in hardships because many residents travel daily to Nablus for work, studies, or health care.

On Thursday, June 12, the residents of Kufr Qaddoum celebrated the one year anniversary of their Friday demonstrations. During this year, 60 people have been arrested, 65 people have been shot and badly injured by tear-gas canisters, 200 olive trees have been burned, and the town has suffered systemically from nightly raids and harassment by the IOF.

Amina Simonsson is a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (name has been changed).

Yanoun: Settlers and soldiers attack village, injuring five

By Marshall Pinkerton

8th July 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

On Saturday 7 July, 2012, the village of Yanoun, located 12km southeast of Nablus, was attacked by illegal settlers from the illegal Itamar settlement. Five Palestinians were injured in the attack and large sections of agricultural land were set ablaze.

The attack began at roughly 2pm. The illegal settlers descended on the village and began setting fire to sections of land and firing on sheep while they were grazing. In the course of the attack on Yanoun, 5 resident of Aqraba, (the neighbouring village) were injured to varying degrees. Two men, Ibrahim Hamid Ibrahim, and Adwan Rajih bini Naber were beaten by settlers, and another, Joudat Hamid Ibrahim was stabbed in the shoulder after being beaten as well. When the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrived, they joined in the attacks, injuring two more. Hakimun Ahmed Yusuf Bini Jaber, 42, was shot in the arm with live ammunition by an IOF soldier and Ashraf Adel Hamid Ibrahim, 29, was shot in the back with a tear gas canister when the soldiers attempted to scatter villagers who were to aid the injured.

The villagers who were aiding the injured attempted to carry the injured men to ambulances, but IOF soldiers blocked the roads and refused to let them through. The IOF and illegal settlers also stopped residents from putting out the fires. The first ambulance to leave was reportedly stopped at Huwwara checkpoint en route to a hospital in Nablus. Two of the injured men were taken from the ambulance and held in Israeli custody for an undetermined period of time. The second and third ambulance were not allowed to depart with those wounded for two hours.

After the attacks had stopped, IOF soldiers still held Adwan Rajih Bini Jaber captive, refusing to allow the ambulance carrying him to depart. Illegal settlers stood by heavily armed, protecting the fires that they had set to Palestinian land.

IOF soldiers blocking the main road out of Yanoun.

Nearing 6pm, illegal settlers and IOF soldiers once again advanced on the Palestinians, as internationals gathered to show solidarity, which ending in the firing of tear gas canisters and live ammunition into the air.

Yanoun and its residents have been subject to terrorism by illegal settlers from Itamar for many years. On October 19, 2002, there was a temporary mass exodus due to the harassment, drawing parallels with the refugees created in 1948. The villagers returned little by little in the weeks following, with the help of peace activists from Ta’ayush & other groups but the village still suffers from violent attacks regardless.

Marshall Pinkerton is a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (name has been changed).

Palestinian demonstrator arrested at weekly Kufr Qaddum protest

By Marshall Pinkerton

7th July 2012 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank


The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) violently suppressed the weekly demonstration at Kafr Qaddum on Friday the 6th of July, injuring one man, and arresting another. Majid Joomaa, 40 years old, was arrested as the IOF stormed the village. Joomaa, who is a father of ten, was unable to flee from the advancing soldiers due to a prior injury in his leg. Another man suffered from overexposure to tear gas, and was carried to an ambulance after he collapsed.


The injured Palestinian man being carried to safety by another peaceful protestor.

Next week marks the one year anniversary of the popular demonstrations against the Israeli Occupation in Kafr Qaddum. In 2003 the IOF closed the main road that connected the small village with Nablus, which lies only 13km away.  Palestinians are forced to drive around the illegal settlement of Kedumim, which was erected in 1975, extending their journey by 22 kilometers instead of the usual 10 to reach Nablus.

Marshall Pinkerton is a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement (name has been changed).