14 year old boy detained in Hebron

by Team Khalil

7 February 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

Detained teenager
Detained teenager

A 14 year old boy was detained at checkpoint 56 in Tel Rumeida, Hebron.

At 2 pm on 6th February Amir Ibrahim Shawar was taken by soldiers of the Israeli occupation forces near the Jewish cemetery in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. He was accused of throwing stones at the soldiers, he was then marched down to the checkpoint where he was detained for about an hour. Amir from Azaria near Jerusalem was on a family visit with his mother when the incident happened.

Whilst at the checkpoint the soldiers said to Amir’s mother, “We know he is not guilty but we want him to tell us who threw the stones”.

Members of the local community came to the checkpoint to complain about his detention and filmed the incident to help deter the soldiers from any unnecessary abuse of the teenager. One person filming the incident had his ID checked by a soldier. At one point Amir was grabbed by his coat and forced inside the checkpoint out of sight of his mother and family members causing concern about the boy’s welfare.

The Palestinian police were called to the scene and Amir was handed over to them and taken through the checkpoint into Palestinian controlled H1 area of Hebron. He was questioned by Palestinian police and then released.

Team Khalil is a group of volunteers of International Solidarity Movement based in Hebron (al Khalil)


22 year old woman killed in the West Bank

Updated on 26 January 2013.

23 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Hebron, Occupied Palestine

lubna hanash-bwA 22-year-old Palestinian woman was killed after being shot in the head by Israeli occupation forces in an unmarked car around 2 pm near the entrance of Al Arroub refugee camp, some eight kilometers north of Hebron. Three others were injured including Suad Jaara, 28, shot in the hand and Ahmad Yousef Abu Ghazi shot in the arm. They were taken to Al Ahli hospital in Hebron.

Lubna Hanash lived in Bethlehem and was a fourth year political science student at Al Quds university.

Witnesses talked of a civilian car with Israeli plates stopping on the main Hebron-Bethlehem road and two men wearing military fatigues got out and began shooting at a group of four Palestinians. They said that after Lubna was killed soldiers prevented an ambulance from arriving at the scene for ten minutes. Clashes followed in the Arroub camp Wednesday evening. Upon the family of the martyr’s insistence the burial took place in Betlehem on the same night.

Speaking to Maan News Agency one of the injured, Suad Jarra, said: Lubna arrived two days ago to visit her sister, who is married to my brother. She had heard about Al Arroub College and she wanted to visit it. I accompanied her to campus and she admired the area because it’s in a charming natural landscape.” Suad continued that they decided to leave the campus: “I saw an Israeli soldier on the main road firing gunshots haphazardly, so I put my left hand on Lubna’s back, and grabbed her to try and run backward. A gunshot hit my hand, and I shouted as I ran. I thought Lubna was running behind me until I reached the security guards of Al Arroub College who took me to a clinic in the camp before an ambulance arrived and took me to hospital.” Suad concluded by describing the soldier as a “a criminal who opened fire at us and in cold blood killing Lubna and injuring me.”

Lubna’s death brings to six the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation forces in the past two weeks: Anwar al-Malouk, 21, was killed on 11th January in Gaza, near the barrier in Jabalya. On Saturday 12th January, Oudai Darwish from Dura near Hebron was killed in the South Hebron Hills, when trying to cross the barrier to find work in Israel. Another Palestinian, Mustafa Abu Jarad, 21, was killed on 14th January near the barrier in Beit Lahia.  Sameer Awwad, 16, was fatally shot in Burdus on 15th January. On 18th January, Saleh al Amareen (Saleh Amarin), 16, from Azzeh refugee camp in Bethlehem, was critically injured by live bullet by an Israeli soldier. Saleh died in hospital of fatal injuries on the same day as Lubna was killed, 23rd January. Perpetrators of these crimes remain unpunished.


Video: Victims of Al Arrouba shooting being taken to the hospital in Hebron


Israeli forces arrest man in Palestinian-controlled area of H1, Hebron [includes video]

by Team Khalil

8 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

Hebron arrest 7 January 2013A Palestinian man was arrested in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. Soldiers invaded homes without permission, indiscriminately beating men and children and forcing the residents out onto the streets.

At around 22:30 pm on Monday 7 January Israeli occupation forces entered the Palestinian-controlled H1 area of the city for the second time in a week. The soldiers forcibly entered homes; in one house five soldiers kicked the front door and forced their way past a young boy. On hearing the disturbance Sabri Dwaik aged 29 got out of bed and went downstairs. The soldiers attacked Sabri, pinning him to the floor and hit him with a rifle butt on his head. Sabri was handcuffed and still in his pyjamas was dragged out onto the street. The soldiers then threw a sound bomb towards the front door to deter anyone from following them.

One of Sabri’s cousins, who had gone onto the street to see what was happening, tried to intervene. The cousin attempted to free Sabri but was beaten, thrown on the floor, and dragged away by the neck. The Israeli occupation forces detained both men against a fence, pushing them and pointed their guns at them. After talking amongst themselves the soldiers decided to release Sabri’s cousin but Sabri was dragged passed the road gate into the Israeli-controlled H2 area of Tel Rumeida. Thirty soldiers brought people out of their houses and lined them up against a wall just inside H2 making them stand in the cold, wet night. Sabri was arrested, marched to a police vehicle and taken to Kyriat Arba police station.

Sabri Dwaik was charged with trying to steal a soldier’s gun as the soldiers were beating him inside his house. He informed the police officers that he wanted to make a complaint about the soldiers’ treatment of him. Sabri was told by the police officer that if he wanted to make a complaint he would have to stay in custody at Kyriat Arba police station for three days before he could make a complaint. Sabri was told by the police that he must apologise to the soldier who accused him of trying to steal his gun. “I do not have to apologise to the soldier because I have not done anything wrong,” Sabri said. After one and a half hours Sabri was released from the police station and returned home.

Sabri’s mother who is in ill health was very distressed by the events of the evening. The peace and quiet of another Tel Rumeida night was destroyed by the violence of the Israeli occupation forces. Local residents conjectured that the increased levels of violence and aggression of the Israeli occupation forces in the area is a response to the two well publicised incidents recently in Qufr Kadoum and Bab al Zawia, Hebron, where the Israeli occupation forces were seen to be weak in the face of Palestinian youth and their unarmed resistance. If the Israeli military are trying to send a message of intimidation to peaceful Palestinian residents of Tel Rumeida, then the message is clear: the Israeli military has no interest in peace, breaking into houses and forcing people out of their home in the middle of the night. Also the Israeli military has no interest in the due process of law, attacking people for no reason and when they complain, threatening that they will have to stay in custody for three days to do so. These increased levels of aggression and violence will not bring peace or stability to the troubled community of Tel Rumeida.


Video: Israeli forces arrest man in H1 Palestinian-controlled area of Hebron, 7 January 2013



Team Khalil is a group of volunteers of International Solidarity Movement based in Hebron (al Khalil)

Israeli soldiers vandalise Hebron home and arrest a student

by Team Khalil

6 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

broken-in-flatIsraeli occupation forces in Hebron raided a home, arrested a Palestinian and smashed his family’s belongings in the early hours of the morning.

Thirteen soldiers who came with two dogs broke down the door, arrested Ahmed Sharabati, 22, and vandalised the property without giving an explanation. As of this moment, Sharabati’s whereabouts are currently unknown.

The soldiers were present in the home for an hour and a half, during which time the terrified family was harassed, furniture was turned upside down and a window was smashed. The family spent six hours cleaning up after the raid.

The soldiers took Sharabati, a student at Hebron university, without telling the family why or where he was being taken.

gas the arabsThe family’s home is located in H2, the Israeli controlled part of Hebron. The close proximity of soldiers and illegal settlers means that Palestinians are always under threat from violence and harassment. Palestinians returning home from the city centre are subjected to humiliating checkpoints and the area is infamous for its “Gas the Arabs” graffiti.

The Israeli occupation forces soldiers in H2 are soon due to be replaced by other soldiers and the locals believe they are intentionally being more aggressive to leave a lasting impression.


Team Khalil is a group of volunteers of International Solidarity Movement based in Hebron (al Khalil)

Local activist detained in Hebron

by Team Khalil

1 January 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank

Israeli soldiers in Hebron tied up and blindfolded a Palestinian activist this afternoon because he walked on the ‘Jewish side’ of the road.

Issa Amro, coordinator for Youth Against Settlements, was detained on Shuhada Street, sections of which are segregated with the majority reserved for the illegal Israeli settlers and Israeli military, leaving only a tiny portion open for Palestinian use.

Issa claimed he wasn’t walking in the Israeli only section of the road and that the soldier became infuriated when he told him to check the rules with a commanding officer. The soldier then told Issa he would be detained for 2 hours, however, he was released after 20 minutes. Issa believes that one of the illegal settlers had instructed the soldier to harass him.

Locals, members of the press and international activists turned up and the soldiers refused to answer questions about why he was being detained, or let anyone bring him water. One soldier then forced the crowd to stay 25 metres away.

Palestinians, Israeli soldiers and illegal settlers are always in close proximity in Shuhada Street and as a result it is an extremely volatile area of the city. On Sunday, Israeli soldiers extended a section of the apartheid road near the Ibrahimi Mosque. The newly constructed barrier runs past a Palestinian home due to be rebuilt meaning that when it is finished, Palestinians will have only half a metre to walk on.

Local activist Issa Amro detained in Shuhada Street in Hebron


Team Khalil is a group of volunteers of International Solidarity Movement based in Hebron (al Khalil)