Urgent call from Gaza civil society: act now!

13th July 2014 | Gaza Civil Society, originally published here | Gaza, Occupied Palestine   

We, Palestinians trapped inside the bloodied and besieged Gaza Strip, call on conscientious people all over the world, to act, protest, and intensify the boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel until it ends this murderous attack on our people and is held to account.

With the world turning their backs on us once again, for the last four days we have in Gaza been left to face massacre after massacre.  As you read these words over 120 Palestinians are dead now, including 25 children. Over 1000 have been injured including countless horrifying injuries that will limit lives forever – more than two thirds of the injured are women and children. We know for a fact that many more will not make it through the next day. Which of us will be next, as we lie awake from the sound of the carnage in our beds tonight? Will we be the next photo left in an unrecognizable state from Israel’s state of the art flesh tearing, limb stripping machinery of destruction?

We call for a final end to the crimes and oppression against us. We call for:

– Arms embargos on Israel, sanctions that would cut off the supply of weapons and military aid from Europe and the United States on which Israel depends to commit such war crimes;

– Suspension of all free trade and bilateral agreements with Israel such as the EU-Israel Association agreement;

Boycott, divestment and sanctions, as called for by the overwhelming majority of Palestinian Civil Society in 2005

Without pressure and isolation, the Israeli regime has proven time and time again that it will continue such massacres as we see around us now, and continue the decades of systematic ethnic cleansing, military occupation and apartheid policies.

We are writing this on Saturday night, again paralyzed in our homes as the bombs fall on us in Gaza. Who knows when the current attacks will end? For anyone over seven years old, permanently etched on our minds are the rivers of blood that ran through the Gaza streets when for over 3 weeks in 2009 over 1400 Palestinians were killed including over 330 children. White phosphorous and other chemical weapons were used in civilian areas and contaminating our land with a rise in cancers as a result. More recently 180 more were killed in the week-long attacks in late November 2012.

This time what? 200, 500, 5000? We ask: how many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient? Before the Israeli bombings, a member of the Israeli Knesset Ayelet Shaked of the far-right Jewish Home party called for genocide of the Palestinian people. “They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes.” she said. “Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.” Right now nothing is beyond the murderous nature of the Israeli State, for we, a population that is mostly children, are all mere snakes to them

As said Omar Ghraib in Gaza, “It was heart shattering to see the pictures of little boys and girls viciously killed. Also how an elderly woman was killed while she was having her iftar at Maghreb prayer by bombing her house. She died holding the spoon in her hand, an image that will need a lot of time to leave my head.”

Entire houses are being targeted and entire families are being murdered. Early Thursday morning the entire Al-Hajj family was wiped out – the father Mahmoud, mother Bassema and five children. No warning, a family targeted and removed from life. Thursday night, the same again, no warning, 5 more dead including four from the Ghannam family, a woman and a seven year old child amongst them.

On Tuesday morning the Kaware family did get a phone call telling them their 3 storey house would be bombed. The family began to leave when a water tank was struck, but then returned with members of the community, who all came to the house to stand with them, people from all over the neighbourhood. The Israeli jets bombed the building with a roof full of people, knowing full well it was full of civilians. 7 people died immediately including 5 children under 13 years old. 25 more were injured, and 8 year old Seraj Abed al-Aal, succumbed to his injuries later that evening.  Perhaps the family was trying to appeal to the Israeli regime’s humanity, surely they wouldn’t bomb the roof full of people. But as we watch families being torn apart around us, it’s clear that Israel’s actions have nothing to do with humanity.

Other places hit include a clearly marked media vehicle killing the independent journalist Hamed Shehab, injuring 8 others, a hit on a Red Crescent rescue vehicle and attacks on hospitals which caused evacuations and more injuries.

This latest session of Israeli barbarity is placed firmly in the context of Israel’s inhuman seven-year blockade that has cut off the main life-line of goods and people coming in and out of Gaza, resulting in the severe medical and food shortages being reported by all our hospitals and clinics right now. Cement to rebuild the thousands of homes destroyed by Israeli attacks had been banned and many injured and ill people are still not being allowed to travel abroad to receive urgent medical treatment which has caused the deaths of over 600 sick patients.

As more news comes in, as Israeli leaders’ give promises of moving onto a next stage in brutality, we know there are more horrors yet to come. For this we call on you to not turn your backs on us. We call on you to stand up for justice and humanity and demonstrate and support the courageous men, women and children rooted in the Gaza Strip facing the darkest of times ahead. We insist on international action:

– Severance of diplomatic ties with Israel

– Trials for war crimes

– Immediate International protection of the civilians of Gaza

We call on you to join the growing international boycott, divestment and sanction campaign to hold this rogue state to account that is proving once again to be so violent and yet so unchallenged. Join the growing critical mass around the world with a commitment to the day when Palestinians do not have to grow up amidst this relentless murder and destruction by the Israeli regime.  When we can move freely, when the siege is lifted, the occupation is over and the world’s Palestinian refugees are finally granted justice.

ACT NOW, before it is too late!

Signed by

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions

University Teachers’ Association in Palestine

Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (Umbrella for 133 orgs)

General Union of Palestinian Women

Medical Democratic Assembly

General Union of Palestine Workers

General Union for Health Services Workers

General Union for Public Services Workers

General Union for Petrochemical and Gas Workers

General Union for Agricultural Workers

Union of Women’s Work Committees

Pal-Cinema (Palestine Cinema Forum)

Youth Herak Movement

Union of Women’s Struggle Committees

Union of Synergies—Women Unit

Union of Palestinian Women Committees

Women’s Studies Society

Working Woman’s Society

Press House

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel

Gaza BDS Working Group

One Democratic State Group

Take action: Protests around the world respond to assault on Palestine

5th July 2014 | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Take action: Protests around the world respond to assault on PalestineProtests are being organized in cities around the world to respond to the ongoing assault on Palestine and the Palestinian people, including the murders of Palestinians (including 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, murdered brutally by Israeli settlers), the bombing of Gaza, the mass arrests of over 600, and the raids, attacks, tear-gassing, invasions and closure that Palestinians are being subjected to. If a rally you know of is not listed, please email samidoun@samidoun.ca to have it posted!

Brooklyn, NY, US – in Bay Ridge
Saturday, July 5
1:30 PM
69th St. at 5th Avenue, to 86th St.
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/790764477630552

Chicago, IL, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Water Tower Park, Chicago, IL
Protest organized by Students for Justice in Palestine’s Chicago network, and co-organized with local chapters of American Friends Service Committee, American Muslims for Palestine, Jews for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Solidarity Group, the US Palestine Community Network, International Socialist Organization, ANSWER Chicago, and the Anti-War Committee.
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1479409155627269/

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1436186096656291/

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
401 Pine Street, Seattle
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/665212870225672/

Portsmouth, UK
Saturday, July 5
11:00 AM
Guildhall Square, Portsmouth
More info: http://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/rally-israels-onslaught-palestinians/

Glasgow, Scotland
Saturday, July 5
1:00 PM
Buchanan Street at Gordon Street, Glasgow City Centre
Initiated by Glasgow Stop the War Coalition
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/691236754277161/

London, England
Saturday, July 5
2:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, 2 Palace Green, London
Called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Friends of Al-Aqsa, London Palestine Action, British Muslim Initiative, Palestinian Forum in Britain, CND
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1644051615818961/

Sheffield, UK
Saturday, July 5
12:30 PM
Sheffield Town Hall, Sheffield
More info: http://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/sheffield-emergency-protest/

Aberdeen, UK
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
St. Nicholas Square, Aberdeen City Centre
More info: http://www.palestinecampaign.org/events/demonstration-aberdeen/

The Hague, Netherlands
Saturday, July 5
1:00 PM
Den Haag Plein tegenover 2e kamer
Organized by the Palestinian Prisoners Society Netherlands
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/641611065922896/

Cleveland, Ohio, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Public Square, Superior Avenue E, Cleveland, OH
Called by Al-Awda Cleveland

Atlanta, Georgia, US
Saturday, July 5
6:00 PM
Woodruff Park, 91 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, Georgia
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/811396478879953/

San Francisco, CA, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Israeli Consulate, 456 Montgomer Street, San Francisco, CA
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/535252366581549/

Indianapolis, Indiana, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
Monument Circle, Indianapolis, IN

Charlotte, NC, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
Marshall Park, 800 E. Third St., Charlotte, NC

Albuquerque, NM, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
Tulane and Central, Albuquerque, NM
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1437827536484641/

Omaha, Nebraska, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
72nd and Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/299497763564540/

Fort Lauderdale, FL, US
Sunday, July 6
6:00 PM
US Federal Courthouse, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Called by Al-Awda South Florida
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/257718534420301/

New Orleans, LA, US
Sunday, July 6
2:00 PM
World Trade Center of New Orleans
365 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA

San Francisco, CA, US
Monday, July 7
4:30 PM
Israeli Consulate, 456 Montgomery Street, SF
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/734634239916704/

Los Angeles, CA, US
Tuesday, July 8
4:00 PM
Consulate General Of Israel, 11766 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1433562380264128/

New York, NY, US
Wednesday, July 9
5:30 PM
East 42nd St and 2nd Ave, Israeli Mission to UN, New York, NY
followed by 6:30 PM March to News Corp Building – 48th St and 6th Ave
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/662450663849851/

Philadelphia, PA, US
Wednesday, July 9
12:30 PM
Walnut and Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/712213502154030/

Israel must be held accountable for its collective punishment of Palestinians

3rd July 2014 | Palestinian BDS National Committee | Ramallah, Occupied Palestine

BDS– Palestinian organisations condemn Israeli operations in West Bank and Gaza as collective punishment
Palestinians call for military embargo and boycott action

Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activists have are urging governments and international civil society to take action to hold Israel to account for its continued collective punishment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza following the disappearance and death of three Israeli settlers.

Zaid Shuaibi, a spokesperson for the Palestinian BDS National Committee, the civil society coalition that leads and supports the BDS movement, said:

“Israel’s on-going actions are designed to terrorise Palestinians and constitute collective punishment. Military violence, collective punishment and the deliberate targeting of civilians are endemic to Israel’s of decades old system of occupation, colonisation and apartheid.”

“Israel is able to act with utter impunity because of the military, economic and political support it receives from governments around the world. We call on international governments to impose a two-way arms embargo immediately and to suspend bilateral agreements until Israel fully complies with international law”.

“At a time when mainstream bodies such as the Bill Gates Foundation, the Presbyterian Church USA and the US​ United Methodist Church are divesting from companies profiting from Israel’s occupation, including G4S and Hewlett Packard, we call on people of conscience to intensify BDS pressure.”

Hundreds of military raids have been launched across the occupied West Bank since June 12, with more than 1000 private homes and refugee camps and the offices of civil society organisations ransacked.

At least 10 Palestinians have been killed and many more have been injured. More than 500 Palestinians have been detained and initial reports suggest that many of those arrested are held under administrative detention, a form of detention without charge or trial on secret evidence. The number of children held in Israeli jails has risen to 250. Israel has also imposed severe restrictions of movement.

On Wednesday, Israeli settlers kidnapped and killed a 16 year old from the Shuafat area of Palestinian East Jerusalem and Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinians in Jerusalem.

Palestinian organisations have detailed how Israel’s recent actions constitute collective punishment, a crime prohibited by the Fourth Geneva Convention as well as customary international humanitarian law.

Israeli occupation forces have also targeted the campuses of Birzeit University near Ramallah and the Arab American University in Jenin, resulting in the detention and arrest of students and staff and greatly infringing the Palestinian right to education.

Samia Botmeh, a professor at Birzeit University and a steering committee member with the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, said:

“Israel’s latest violations against Palestinian universities are part of its long history of oppression aimed at Palestinian education. Closure of universities for periods stretching to years, murder and detention of students and professors, destruction of universities’ properties and labs as well as the banning of lists of books have been Israel’s systematic policies targeting Palestinian education.”

“It must be emphasized that throughout the decades of oppression, no Israeli university or association of Israeli academics has ever protested the sustained assaults on Palestinian universities.  It is essential to intensify all forms of BDS, including the academic and cultural boycott, until Israel ends its violations of Palestinian rights.”

Israel has conducted at least 100 airstrikes or shellings of Gaza in recent days, including an intense bombing of dozens of sites in the early hours of Tuesday, further worsening the situation for Palestinians in Gaza, which has been under a brutal military siege for more than 7 years.

Haidar Eid, associate professor at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza and a PACBI steering committee member, said:

“We, residents of Gaza, have been unable to fathom how it is that official bodies of the international community tolerate blatant war crimes committed against the people of Gaza, in spite of thousands of reports by main-stream human rights organizations!”

“Is it farfetched to expect people of conscience to heed our call to boycott this intransigent, racist and militarized Israeli regime and the institutions that keep it thriving, the same way apartheid South Africa was boycotted until it crumbled?”

Ayah Abubasheer, a youth and BDS activist in Gaza, added:

“During the past few weeks, Israel has been violently and intensely launching a series of air strikes against the Gaza Strip. The population of the Gaza Strip continues to pay the price and bear the blaze of Israel’s polices.”

“Because collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, we urge the international community to pressure Israel to end its all-out military assault aimed against the total population of Gaza, open Rafah crossing permanently and heed our call for boycotts, divestment and sanctions.”

Call to action: join ISM in Palestine

27th June 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied Palestine

In the last two weeks, the Israeli military has arrested over 566 Palestinians in the West Bank, they have stormed homes, invaded cities, and murdered seven Palestinians.

ISM is sending an urgent call for volunteers to join us in Palestine. Check the join us section of our website or email ISM at palreports@gmail.com for more information.

Ahmad Arafat Sabareen, 20-years-old, was shot in the chest by live ammunition bullets in Jalazoun refugee camp, near Ramallah, during a raid by the Israeli army.

Ahmad Arafat Sabareen's father speaks of his son at the funeral (photo by Middle East Monitor).
Ahmad Arafat Sabareen’s father speaks of his son at the funeral (photo by Middle East Monitor).

15-year-old Mohammad Dudeen, was killed by a single live bullet during a night raid in his home village of Dura, near Hebron on June 20th.

Mohammad Dudeen (photo from Defence for Children International Palestine).
Mohammad Dudeen (photo from Defence for Children International Palestine).

Hajj Jamil Ali Jaber Souf suffered a heart attack during a raid on his village of Hares, and died soon after.

Ahmad Sa’id Fahmawi (Abu Shanno) was shot and killed on June 22nd in the city of Nablus. The Israeli military fired several bullets at him from a close range when he was on his way to a mosque near his house for dawn prayers, because he “did not obey their orders to stop”.

Mahmoud Ismael Atallah was shot and killed as the Israeli military invaded the de-facto capital of the West Bank, Ramallah, in the early hours of June 22nd.

Mahmoud's wife and son (photo by Fadi Arouri).
Mahmoud’s wife and son (photo by Fadi Arouri).

Mustafa Husni Aslan, 24 years old, was shot last Friday during clashes that erupted in Qalandya refugee camp, north of Ramallah, he died from his injury yesterday afternoon.

Early yesterday morning, June 26th, Israeli soldiers raided el-Arrub refugee camp north of Hebron. During this raid, a 78-year-old Palestinian woman, Fatima Ismail Issa Rushdi, died of a heart attack.

The situation in the last weeks is escalating; Palestinians are facing increasing military violence and the largest campaign of collective punishment seen since the Second Intifada.

Now more than ever, internationals are needed to travel to Palestine and stand in solidarity against occupation and apartheid.

Document and report on the crimes committed by both the Israeli military and the colonial settlers living on Palestinian land throughout the West Bank. Take part in protests and demonstrations against the occupation, use your privilege as an international to stand alongside Palestinian communities, and join ISM.

ISM is also sending an urgent call for volunteers to join the 2014 olive harvest campaign.

ISM volunteers join Palestinian farming communities each year to harvest olives in areas where Palestinians face settler and military violence while working their land. Your presence can make a big difference, with Palestinian communities stating that the presence of international volunteers reduces the risk of extreme violence from Israeli settlers and the Israeli army.

The olive tree is a Palestinian national symbol, and the Israeli military systematically prevents agricultural fruition, in order to make life for Palestinians more difficult. The Israeli occupation provides a platform for Palestinian rights to be violated in an array of ways; the attack on agriculture is at the forefront.

Already documented this year, and to list a few cases; the trees have suffered settler sewage runoffsabotaging fires, and being cut down. Olive trees comprise of an essential 14% of the Palestinian agricultural economy.

In January 2014 alone approximately 2020 olive trees were reportedly destroyed.

We support Palestinians’ assertion of their right to earn their livelihoods and be present on their lands. International solidarity activists engage in non-violent intervention and documentation and practical support, which enables many families to pick their olives.

The campaign will begin mid October and will last around 5-7 weeks.  We request a minimum one week commitment from volunteers, but stress that longtermers are needed as well. We ask that volunteers start arriving in the first week of October, so that we will be prepared when the harvest begins.


We request a minimum two week commitment from volunteers, but stress that longtermers are needed as well. The ISM will be holding mandatory two day training sessions which will run weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please see the join ISM page or contact palreports@gmail.com for further information.

In solidarity,

ISM Palestine

Action alert: Letter writing campaign against criminal activity in Tel Rumeida

19th May 2014 | International Solidarity Movement | Occupied Palestine

The Israeli occupation uses many methods to take over land – from settlements and military camps to the nature reserve and political treaties. However, the Abu Haikal family of Tel Rumeida in Al-Khalil (Hebron), faces a much more unexpected enemy: archaeologists. Currently, the family home is completely surrounded by an Israeli archaeological excavation – there is only one gate into the property, which can be shut at any time, leaving the family isolated from the surrounding city.

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA)  archaeologists – many of whom live in the surrounding illegal settlements – began digging in Tel Rumeida on Janury 5th, 2014. They claimed they were looking for the graves of Jesse and Ruth, figures from the Hebrew Bible. The IAA has also stated their intent to turn the area into a ‘Biblical Archaeological Park’, depending in what the dig turns up.

(Above text written by the International Women’s Peace Service).

Since the IAA began the dig in Tel Rumeida, the Abu Haikal family have been subject to threats, violence, and general criminal activity on their own land, such as plans to destroy or move an ancient olive tree belonging to the family.

Feryal and Arwa Abu Haikal sitting under their olive tree, trying to protect it from damage or destruction (photo from https://www.facebook.com/groups/Save.telrumeida/).
Feryal and Arwa Abu Haikal sitting under their olive tree, trying to protect it from damage or destruction (photo from https://www.facebook.com/groups/Save.telrumeida/).

Video from the Christian Peacemaker Team in Palestine

Now the family are calling out for a letter writing campaign to the Israel Antiquities Authority.

The letters should complain about the criminal activity in Tel Rumeida and demand that the IAA intervene and put a stop to these breaches of law.

The IAA have an online form for contact on their website, so please write your own letter or copy the one below.


* * * * * * *

Mr. Shuka Dorfman, director
Israel Antiquities Authority,

Dear sir,

I was shocked to hear reports of officials and workers of the Israel Antiquities Authority being involved in criminal activities in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. Apparently they have been involved in criminal damage to neighbouring properties, trespass, assault on international observers and damage to cultural heritage.

Emmanuel Eisenberg appears to believe that he is above the law. He has been filmed making racist comments and issuing threats to the Palestinian residents of the area. For the IAA to retain any credibility I would think you would need to discipline him and hold him to account.

This criminal activity and damage to cultural relics strengthens the perception that many people hold that IAA’s activities in Tel Rumeida are not guided by principles of scientific archaeology but are a political ploy to enable extremist Jewish settlers to steal more land from Palestinians, which is contrary to international law.

I trust you will act speedily in this matter before any more property is damaged, trees destroyed or people injured.

Yours sincerely