One man shot and arrested by Israeli Border Police in Huwwara village

10th April 2014 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Huwwara, Occupied Palestine

On Sunday 6th of April, a 35-year-old Palestinian man was shot with live ammunition and then arrested by an Israeli Border Police Officer. This was after the man had thrown a Molotov cocktail against a passing military jeep on the main street of Huwwara, causing no injuries.

On Sunday evening, Ashraf Abu al-Huda, 35 years old, was shot by several live ammunition bullets by the Israeli Border Police in the village of Huwwara, south of Nablus. The police arrived from the Yitzhar checkpoint after the man had thrown a Molotov against a Israeli army’s jeep that was passing by the main street. At the moment, there is no information available about Ashraf’s injuries or current state of health.

The street and a nearby market were closed after the arrest for “security reasons”. However according to local villagers, this occurs between two and three times a week with no explanations provided.

The village of Huwwara is just two kilometers away from the illegal settlement of Yizhar, which occupies a hilltop overlooking Palestinian land. Although the rest of the hill is located in Area B, the settlers from Yizhar have cut many olive trees from the nearby land.

Villagers from Huwarra reported that two weeks ago, two young men were seriously injured after a vicious attack from several settlers from Yizhar. One of the two men, Foad, had both of his legs broken and was transferred to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem. Israeli forces witnessed this attack and made no attempt at intervention. Reports from the hospital have described Foad’s injuries as so severe that he may never be able to walk on his own again. The second man, Ahmed, received a large head wound and a painful cut on his ear.

The illegal settlement of Yizhar regularly harasses the people of Huwwara, and the nearby village of Burin, with settlers often throwing stones and wastewater as a form of intimidation and aggression.