Settlers attack in Tuwani, Masafer Yatta

Yesterday afternoon, 12th of October, settlers attacked the village of Tuwani, in the south of Hebron, assaulting the residents, injuring one. The settlers shot live ammunition in the direction of the Palestinians and internationalists in the village. They also raised Israeli flags on the Palestinians’ land. Local sources reported that these were settlers wearing army uniforms. The settlers vandalised and destroyed cultivated land of the residents and stormed one of the houses.

These attacks are increasing drastically in the occupied West Bank, with settlers taking advantage of the current situation of violence in Gaza, knowing that all forms of violence will go either unnoticed or will be excused.

Settler attacks increase at Al Mughayyir

27th November 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Al Mughayyir, Ramallah, Occupied Palestine

The village of Al Mughayyir sits 27 miles north of Jerusalem. Sitting above is the settlement of Shiloh, more than a quarter of which is constructed on Palestinian land, the locals say. An elder from the village reports that the settlers now come into the village almost daily. “In the last three days they have cut the olive trees, which are very important for Palestinian people.” He also reported the destruction of their property, car tires slashed, graffiti on the walls, much of it reading in Hebrew ‘Price Tag’ and ‘Revenge’.

The settler violence is becoming more regular and extreme, and there is no authority- Israeli or Palestinian- that responds to the multiple assaults. “Only citizens, Palestinians,” the elder reports.

It is unclear where the attackers are coming from, but it is worth noting that a military encampment was just turned into an outpost- deemed illegal by international law- for settlers, known as “Jbaayt.”

A new outpost known as “Jbaayt” sits east of the village.

Al Mughayyir is a beautiful village, situated among hundreds of olive trees, with bougainvillea that is spread across the landscape.

Children in Al Mughayyir walk home from school.

The four year anniversary of the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir

The 2nd of July 2018 is four years to the day since the kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu
Khdeir, a 16 year old Palestinian boy from Shu’fat in East Jerusalem. The shocking nature of his
murder and its context, occurring only 6 days before Israeli bombing campaigns in Gaza, make it a
painful memory for Palestinians.

Mohammed was waiting for friends to eat the pre-dawn meal in Ramadan and was outside his home
at 3.45 in the morning. He was dragged into a car by two or three settlers. He screamed “father, save
me!”. The four settlers who took part (two of whom were minors) then proceeded to beat
Mohammed, covered him in petrol and set him on fire while he was still alive. The autopsy confirmed he had inhaled the burning material confirming he was still alive when he was set on fire and that he suffered internal as well as external burns covering 90% of his body.

Relatives of Mohammed Abu Khdeir hold pictures of him outside his home in Jerusalem (photo: the Guardian)

While many in the Israeli government expressed condolences the violence against the boy’s family
was not yet at an end. His cousin Tariq, a US citizen, was beaten and arrested by police in east
Jerusalem only a few days later. He recalled “they hit me, and they kept hitting me and then I fell
asleep and then I woke up in the hospital.” The police said there he had been involved in violence
but journalists noted that there was no mention of this accusation at the court hearing. He was 15 at
the time.

While the killers were eventually sentenced (although the minors may be released in under 15 years)
the horrific incident must not be viewed as an isolated outbreak. Instead it should be located within
a collection of sentiments coming from the settler community, the military, the media and the
government of Israel. The inevitable result is terrorism against Palestinians. From Mohammed’s killer
Ben-David to the settlers who spat at the Abu Khdeir family when they arrived in court, to even the
Israeli government, the Palestinians and their children are “little snakes” and “Wild Beasts” and
legitimate targets for violence. At 16 Mohammed Abu Khdeir was training to be an electrician.


‘I am here, I resist’: ISM catches up with Nisreen Azzeh, who uses her artwork to resist against the brutal Israeli occupation of her homeland

4th June 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Nisreen in her garden, Tel Rumeida, Hebron

Nisreen Azzeh’s house sits high up on a hill in the Tel Rumeida area of the occupied city of Hebron (al-Khalil is the Arabic name of the city) in the south of the West Bank. The way to her house is difficult to find as the Israeli army blocked the main walkway after the death of her husband, a dear friend of ISM, in 2015. We climb the hill from Shuhada Street, emptied of normal Palestinian life a long time ago by the occupation, then find the way up an alley, then a short scramble up some rocks, through an olive grove, and find the door to Nisreen’s beautiful house. She is an artist, using oil pastels to express her feelings about the occupation of Palestine and the violence that she sees around her. Some of her images are sad and some are celebratory, showing images of women clinging to their olive trees in front of Israeli tanks, protesting the occupation. Directly behind her house up the hill is the Tel Rumeida Israeli settlement, casting a long shadow over Nisreen and her family. Since the army closed the normal route to her house from the road, this uneasy path is the only way for Nisreen and her children to move to and from the house. We settle in at Nisreen’s and admire her artworks decorating the walls and table as she tells us her story.

‘Old City of Hebron’, oil pastel on paper

Nisreen was born to Palestinian refugees from the 1948 nakba, or catastrophe, when Zionist militias forced 700,000 from their homes in historical Palestine in the brutal creation of the state of Israel. She met her husband Hashem in Jordan while she was studying art, and together they moved back to his home in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. Like other Palestinians living in occupied Hebron, she lives under several complex layers of the brutal occupation. Hebron is the only place in Palestine where Israeli settlers live within a Palestinian city, and since 1997 has been divided into two parts: H1, under Palestinian control, and H2, under Israeli control. The 35,000 Palestinians living in the H2 area are subject to intense scrutiny and controls by the occupying Israeli forces, ostensibly there to protect the 500 or so Israeli settlers living in H2. Nisreen and her family, along with the other Palestinians in the H2 area of Hebron, experience the sharp end of the Israeli occupation, having to witness soldiers, checkpoints, border police and settler violence directed against them in a daily litany of militaristic abuse, alongside the more mundane humiliations of occupation: being stopped and searched, having a numbered ID card or not being allowed to open shops. Have a look at this short video to give you some idea of life for Palestinians living under Israeli rule in H2.

The view overlooking the city from Nisreen’s leafy garden

Nisreen has always produced art, but started to focus on her artwork more seriously during the second intifada after 2000. At that time, her neighbourhood became a closed military zone, and it was difficult for people to go to their jobs. She tells us it was a challenging time. With movement around the city so restricted, they had to spend a lot of time at home, always witnessing the violence of soldiers and settlers, with few distractions. During this time art became an escape for Nisreen, to channel her emotions into something productive, and a way of resisting. After encouragement by visitors to her home who saw her artworks, she began producing images for international buyers, and now sells her work all across the world for those looking to support a voice of resistance in Hebron.

Nisreen’s beautiful oil paintings fill her house

Perhaps the deepest cut of the occupation for Nisreen is the death of her husband Hashem in 2015. Hashem gave tours for international visitors to show them the difficulties caused by the occupation in Hebron, and was known and disliked by Israeli settlers and forces. Read more about his life and work here. He was suffering with an ongoing heart problem, and one day was badly affected by tear gas thrown by Israeli soldiers against protesters whilst he was taking a group of international visitors around the city. He returned home having trouble breathing and fell unconscious on the sofa. Israeli soldiers do not let ambulances get through to Tel Rumeida from the Palestinian controlled H1 area, and so his friends carried Hashem to the checkpoint on Shuhada Street to take him to the hospital. The Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint would not let them through for 10 minutes while Hashem was still unconscious. By the time he reached the hospital in the H1 area of the city he could not be resuscitated. Nisreen could not host his wake at her and Hashem’s house because relatives living in H1 would not be allowed across Israeli checkpoints to attend. When Nisreen returned to her house after the wake, Baruch Marzel, an extremist settler and member of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party who lives in the Tel Rumeida settlement, stood outside clapping, calling out ‘where’s Hashem?’ Two soldiers stood nearby pointing their guns towards her.

‘Woman at work using a traditional Palestinian bean crushing machine’, oil pastel and glitter on paper

Nisreen remains in her house with her four children. Selling her artwork is one of the only ways she has to support her family after the death of Hashem. She knows that the settlers nearby want to take the house and her land for themselves, which is why they direct a tirade of abuse and violence against her and her family. She is worried for her children seeing soldiers every day and witnessing the behaviour of the settlers. During heightened tensions in 2015, the area of Tel Rumeida became a closed military zone for nine months, stopping all outsiders, including journalists and human rights activists, from coming to the area. She overheard a settler telling a soldier in the street near the house “I need to see Palestinians’ blood in the street.” Frequently the settlers scrawl “kill the Arabs” on the walls of Palestinian houses in Tel Rumeida. Nisreen also lives with the memory of violent settler attacks against herself during the second intifada. On two occasions, women from the settlement came to her land, threw stones and shouted ‘go and die in your home’. After both attacks, Nisreen miscarried, once at three months and once at four months. The incidents didn’t lead to any prosecutions, which is not overly suprising as impunity for settlers’ violence is the norm in occupied Palestine: see here and here.

Nisreen with one of her popular designs, ‘I Need Freedom for Palestine’

Despite the settlers’ attempts to intimidate Palestinians like Nisreen, she refuses to give up her land to them. The soldiers come and invade the house a few times each year, checking the house, taking measurements and messing everything up in a deliberate provocation. She knows they are sizing the house up to support a settler invasion. They haven’t come yet in 2018 but she is prepared to be steadfast when they do. She tells us, “I will not leave my house, I am not leaving here. I resist here. I called to Baruch Marzel [when he taunted her after Hashem’s wake] ‘I live here. Hashem died but I live here.’ I am here, I resist.” Her artworks encapsulate Nisreen’s quiet and determined resistance to the racist bullying of the nearby settlers, supported by the full force of the occupying Israeli army. Some are sad, some are hopeful, all are beautiful, and importantly, they are her voice to the world from her struggle here in Hebron, Palestine. It is a voice that refuses to be silenced.

‘Drinks in the Old City’, oil pastel on canvas

To purchase Nisreen’s unique artworks and support her voice of resistance in occupied Palestine, please visit her website (mobile site under construction – please view on desktop).

‘Parrots in Palestine’, oil pastel on paper

Entrance to Palestinian house on Shuhada Street welded shut on multiple occasions; Israeli forces and settlers assault Palestinians outside

11 June 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine.

In the two weeks since the Zahida family moved into their new house on Shuhada street in the H2 area of occupied Hebron, they have been subjected to repeated harassment by Israeli forces and Zionist settlers, resulting in their door being welded shut on multiple occasions whilst they were still inside. Israeli authorities in Hebron want to make Shuhada street an area exclusively for Israelis, and carry this out by closing the Palestinian doors that lead down to Shuhada street.

Shuhada Street in the H2 area of occupied Hebron (photo by ISM)

On June 1, Israeli forces entered the Zahida house and closed the only exit with metal cords. Due to the extensive harassment by Israeli forces, around twenty Palestinian friends and family gathered in solidarity with the residents. All were locked inside the house. After Palestinians managed to break open the door and exit the house, Israeli forces assaulted a 14 year old boy who had been inside with the family. A soldier hit him in the face with the butt of his rifle multiple times.

On Friday 7 June at 8 AM, Israeli soldiers entered the home again, gathering the family in one room, confiscating their phones and keeping them there for a brief period. After detaining the family, Israeli forces broke one of the windows in the house and exited through it. They allegedly said that if the family wanted to leave their home, they should also exit through the broken window from then on. The soldiers then proceeded to seal the house’s only entrance by welding it shut and locking the residents; a young man, his pregnant wife and their two children (age three and four) inside the house for several hours.

At around 11 AM, Palestinian residents of H2 and activists from Human Rights Defenders came together to open the door again and free the family. As the door was being opened, a settler known for harassing Palestinians arrived at the scene. He began to verbally insult activists from Human Right Defenders and film the people present. At the end the door was opened again with the help of neighbors and activists.

At around 9 PM, a group of settlers, protected by heavily-armed Israeli soldiers and police, gathered on the steps to the family’s home. The group of settlers consisted mostly of children and teenagers, who were having a picnic (whilst shouting and trying to intimidate passers-by) on the steps leading to the only entrance directly outside the door, thus trapping the family in their own home for the second time that day. The soldiers stated that the settlers were protesting, but when asked to clarify the reason of the protests, they had no comment.  Another group of settler children also physically assaulted a Palestinian woman and a group of children on Shuhada street, whilst under the protection of Israeli forces. The settlers stayed for several hours and left at around midnight.

On the 8th of June, international activists were present in the house with the wife and two children after the Palestinian friends and family had left for work or iftar. A commander and two soldiers entered the house, taking the remaining Zahida family members into a room without their phone and without allowing the activist to enter. The commander then photographed their ID’s and allegedly promised the family that he would “do everything in his power to register them, so they would be left alone.”

An Israeli commander talks to residents of the Zahida family on the doorstep before entering the house (photo by ISM)

On the 9th of June, the same commander (pictured above) returned stating that he could not appeal their eviction order and that they had to leave their home.

In the early hours of the 10th of June, at around 1 AM, a large group of Israeli forces came to the house to weld the front door shut for the last time. Palestinian and international activists were prevented from getting near the house and were forcibly pushed back and assaulted by soldiers, so they wouldn’t be able to see or film what was going on near the house. A soldier, who was preventing people from coming near the house, assaulted a Palestinian child as he tried to pass onto Shuhada street.

A Tel Rumeida resident, Haji Mufid al-Sharbati, was trying to reason with the soldiers but was then detained. It was during his detention that he was assaulted by a soldier and subsequently collapsed. Israeli forces stood by as the elderly man lay on the ground, motionless for around ten minutes, before a stretcher was allowed through the checkpoint and he could be taken to hospital.

Haji Mufid al-Sharbati after being assaulted by Israeli forces (photo by Human Rights Defenders)

Allegedly an Israeli ambulance should have been on standby at the scene, but Haji Mufid Al-Sharbati still had to wait for a Palestinian ambulance to arrive and then for a stretcher to be able to pass through checkpoint 56, before he could get professional medical assistance. He was sent home the same morning and is reported to have recovered.


At around 3 AM, Israeli forces let the people gathered come back onto Shuhada street to check in on the family. By then, the door had again been welded shut. International activists were shown the new way out by a family member, which had been created by knocking down a wall next to their staircase. The new route takes much longer than going through Shuhada street and the staircase leading up to the entrance is very steep and unsafe, with no bannisters to prevent a fall to the street below. For a 4 month pregnant woman and two young children this is highly dangerous.

Yasmine Zahida stated, “I’m worried about our entry and exit now. There’s nothing to hold on to when you walk down the stone stairs and it’s especially dangerous in the dark for me and my children. But I’m happy it’s all over, for now”.

The brother of Sami Zahida informed international activists that Israeli forces had ordered the door shut for two years before they would consider opening it again.