Once again, a non-violent, Palestinian-lead demonstration was met with Israeli Police violence.

2nd December 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus team | Nablus, Occupied Palestine

Once again, Palestinians exercised their right of free speech under international law, and once again, were encountered with tear gas and gunfire. Outside Nablus, demonstrations took place against the continuous construction of Israeli settlements and outposts, imprisonment of Palestinians- young and old- and the Trump administration’s declaration to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. At one point, when the Israeli assault settled, an activist was able to comment on the situation: “We refuse any attempts to make Al Quds a capital of this zionist state, which aims to divide our lands with the ‘Big Jerusalem Project’ or ‘E1 Plan,’ that will be used to connect Ma’aleh Adomim Settlement with Al Quds, through the Palestinian lands and towns, furthering the separation of our land into small cantons.” Constant infringement on rights, humiliation, and collective punishment of Palestinians are at the core of this dreadful conflict, and have been the fuel for non-stop protests throughout the occupied West Bank for years. The most recent example of this systematic cruelty is Isra’a Al-Ja’abis, whose been in prison for 2.5 years, reportedly having been denied proper medical treatment for her severe burns that she got after her car exploded in 2015.

For every lull in violence by the police, came another eruption of tear gas and firing, pushing the protestors back by hundreds of meters. Both Internationals showing solidarity, and the press, avoided rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades. One Palestinian was injured by a live sniper-bullet, reportedly to have been bleeding profusely from his leg. “He’s been taken to the hospital for treatment, and we don’t have updates on his condition.”

It’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, but Israel still lays claim to the longest occupation of our time

30 November 2018 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Ramallah, occupied Palestine

November 29 marks the 71st anniversary that the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 in 1947, which later became known as “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.” Leaders in Ramallah called on the UN to recognize that resolution, during a time where settlements have massively increased up three-fold from last year. “This day should demand actions that will re-instate the role of the United Nations as an international institution who’s mission is to realize peace and justice,” states the coordinator of the political parties in the Ramallah district, who read out a letter written to the UN secretary General, then presented it to the Representative at the UN Office in Ramallah. The letter contained 4 major demands: International protection for the Palestinians under illegal occupation, proper punishment for Israel’s war crimes, ending American enabling of Israel’s illegal actions, and an international investigation into the continued practice of aggression, notably settlements. International crimes by the Israeli government have gone unabated, the sustained occupation of the West Bank being the most notable, and the confiscation of land thereof. Or the imprisonment, torturing, and rendition of children; or the outright massacre(s) of the defenseless population of Gaza, including the brutal, decade-long siege. The UN’s stance has always been clear, but their inability to put a stop- or even a deceleration- to Israel’s belligerent policies is the reason this demonstration was staged. Recently this month, Israel ramped up its assault on the Palestinian leadership, as well as on East Jerusalem itself. The East Jerusalem Governor’s recent arrest, and the demolition of over 20 businesses in Shu’fat Refugee Camp, are the most telling examples. “We affirm our right of national resistance in all forms that comply with international laws, to realize these rights, which are un-negotiable, and uncompromising… We want the international community to (help) build the Palestinian State on the ground, and to make our people achieve their goals of independence, self-determination, and the right of returning back according to the resolution.” Israel has laid claim to the longest military occupation in modern history.