Help Respond to Inflammatory Attack on Nonviolent Solidarity Groups

PMWATCH ACTION CALL 02/13/2006 Op-ed libels PSM/ISM mobilize NOW! 1-866-DIAL-PMW PMWATCH – February 13, 2006 — On Sunday, February 12, 2006, the Washington Post published a defamatory op-ed by two academics, Eric Adler and Jack Langer, calling for the cancellation of the upcoming Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM) conference at Georgetown University and accusing the PSM … Continue reading Help Respond to Inflammatory Attack on Nonviolent Solidarity Groups

Ghassan Andoni’s Statement Upon Receiving The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Nomination From The American Friends Service Committee

Ghassan Andoni I am honored that the American Friends Service Committee, winner of the 1947 peace prize, found in my modest contribution to the cause of peace and justice in the Middle East important enough to nominate me for the Nobel Peace Prize. I am more honored that AFSC has chosen me for the same … Continue reading Ghassan Andoni’s Statement Upon Receiving The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Nomination From The American Friends Service Committee

ISM Co-Founder Nominated for Nobel Prize

*Reflections of a Deportation *ISM Co-Founder Among Duo Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize *Palestinian Action Alert for Friday, February 10 *Church Votes to Sell off Shares to Caterpillar *Villagers Expand First Palestinian Settlement * Rickman and Rachel Juggle Three Wins *How to Provoke a Settler in Hebron *Bil’in Waiting for Justice REFLECTIONS ON A DEPORTATION … Continue reading ISM Co-Founder Nominated for Nobel Prize

Bil’in Unbowed; One Year of Non-Violent Resistance to the Apartheid Wall

by Henry and David The weekly non-violent protests against the Israelis Apartheid wall continued today in Bil’in, when Palestinians from the village displayed their resistance to the ongoing theft of their village’s land. At least one Palestinian was injured by a tear gas canister which was fired directly at a group of three non-violent demonstrators … Continue reading Bil’in Unbowed; One Year of Non-Violent Resistance to the Apartheid Wall