Ha’aretz: “With a little help from the outside”

By Gideon Levy, Ha’aretz. 4th June 2006 The laugh of fate: The state waging a broad international campaign for a boycott is simultaneously waging a parallel campaign, no less determined, against a boycott. A boycott that seriously harms the lives of millions of people is legitimate in its eyes because it is directed against those … Continue reading Ha’aretz: “With a little help from the outside”

Arab American News: “Palestinian activist tours U.S., explains pain and suffering”

by Danielle Smith For the past month, Palestinian activist Fida Qesta has toured the United States speaking about Nonviolent Resistance and the occupation of Palestine. After her stops in Detroit, Port Huron, Grand Ledge, Lansing and Ann Arbor, she will head to venues in New York. Her speaking tour in Michigan was sponsored by the … Continue reading Arab American News: “Palestinian activist tours U.S., explains pain and suffering”

Independent: “Too Hot for Broadway”

Play based on diaries of peace activist killed in Gaza is moved from New York to the West End By Anthony Barnes – from the Independent Rachel Corrie’s proud parents will walk into a West End theatre today, past their late daughter’s name in lights, past the posters showing her as a smiling, carefree child. … Continue reading Independent: “Too Hot for Broadway”

Independent: “Parents of British campaigner killed by Israeli sniper seek justice against a murderous ethos”

from The Independent In the stifling, barren confines of the small military court room in Ashkelon, Jocelyn and Anthony Hurndall strained to hear above the noisy air conditioning as their son’s killer boasted about his accuracy as an army marksman. They watched the Israeli soldier, clad in jeans and a t-shirt and restricted by leg … Continue reading Independent: “Parents of British campaigner killed by Israeli sniper seek justice against a murderous ethos”

Bil’in Breaks the Chains (Digest)

1. Bil’in Breaks the Chains 2. Two Bil’in Teens Arrested During Night 3. Bil’in Children Arrested 4. Protest at Beit Sira 5. Jane’s Journal: Inside a Balata Invasion 6. Justice for journalists 7. Sir Gerald Kaufman MP: Israel “would be a rogue government” if Refuses to Prosecute Killer Soldiers 8. The Lobby and the Bulldozer: … Continue reading Bil’in Breaks the Chains (Digest)