But Israel must also be held to account for the deaths of innocent Palestinians

Justice for journalists But Israel must also be held to account for the deaths of innocent Palestinians. By Ewa Jasiewicz From The Guardian The verdicts of intentional killing and murder over the deaths of journalists Tom Hurndall and James Miller are small victories; but what about the unaddressed and unresolved killings of hundreds of Palestinian … Continue reading But Israel must also be held to account for the deaths of innocent Palestinians

Digest: Normal Oppression

1. Thousands of olive trees are being planted on land day demonstrations March 30th 2. Human Rights Worker Attacked near Hebron Settlement March 27th 3. Border Police enter home And beat Palestinians and 75 year old Australian volunteer March 26th 4. Palestinians, U.S. citizen complain of Hebron settler violence from Haaretz March 27th 5. Normal … Continue reading Digest: Normal Oppression

The pen may prove mightier than the word

Friday, March 24, 2006 By MAKEBA SCOTT HUNTER HERALD NEWS Despite the cancellation of a theater production based on the writings of the late human-rights activist, some 1,200 people packed into Harlem’s Riverside Church Wednesday night for an alternate production – pulled together in two weeks by friends and supporters — that celebrated Corrie’s life … Continue reading The pen may prove mightier than the word

Making Palestine Visible Again

1. Israeli Supreme Court: State Must Defend why Settlement Expansion Near Bil’in Should not be Demolished 2. AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy 3. The Earth According to Google: Where is Palestine? 4. A Sad Day: for Rachel Corrie 5. The Heroes of Tel Rumeida 6. “You Won’t Impose Your Wall on … Continue reading Making Palestine Visible Again