Yedioth Aharonot: “Outside The Fence”

By Asafa Peled – Yedioth Aharonot 14/4/2006 Translation: Adam Keller The Separation Fence is closing in upon more and more Palestinian villages. Their inhabitants are cut off from sources of livelihood. Some Israelis are not willing to remain silent. Matan Cohen lost an eye because of it. Shai Karmeli-Polak gave up for its sake a … Continue reading Yedioth Aharonot: “Outside The Fence”

Settlers Attack

1. Soldiers Beat Non-violent Demonstrators, Arrest Three 2. Settlers Attack 3. Mary’s Journal: Daily Life in Tel Rumeida 4. Corporate Complicity in the Ethnic Cleansing of the Jordan Valley 5. Anamaria’s Journal: Not Welcome Anymore 6. Update on Nablus Incursions 7. Bil’in Demonstration Calls For Boycott of Israeli Products 8. Hamas forms new security branch … Continue reading Settlers Attack

The Earth is Closing in on Us

1. The Earth is Closing in on Us 2. The shells have been falling non stop 3. MP’s call for sanctions against Israel over shootings 4. Calls for UK to act over Britons shot dead in Gaza 5. British peace activist, Tom Hurndell, was ‘intentionally killed’ 6. Human Rights Worker’s Hebron Journal 7. Recent Israeli … Continue reading The Earth is Closing in on Us

Eleven Children Held Captive by Israeli Army (Digest)

1. Eleven Children Held Captive by Israeli Army 2. Balata invasion journal Part 1 3. Bil’in Demonstration Remembers Twelfth Death Caused by Wall 4. Separation wall ‘drowns’ Palestinian 5. Everyday resistance 6. The hope for a peaceful solution? 7. Palestinian civilians pay with their lives for IDF’s refusal to publish open-fire regulations 8. Activist’s Journal … Continue reading Eleven Children Held Captive by Israeli Army (Digest)