Arafat marches in Bil’in

1. Continuing arrests and IDF harassment in Bil’in: 1 beating, arrest of the Bear 2. Tel Rumeida settlement expands during olive harvest while Knesset tour area 3. Bil’in on anniversary of Arafat’s death: link to World peace struggles 4. Bil’in demonstrators: 14-year-old hit in the head by rubber bullet (Haaretz story) 5. IDF Gives Settler … Continue reading Arafat marches in Bil’in

Arrests, Human Shields and Non-violent Resistance

1. Three More Night-time Arrests in Bil’in; Soldiers Use Human Shield 2. More Settler Attacks in Hebron, While Soldiers and Police Watch 3. “The Nonviolent Option” An Article about US Tour by Palestinian and Israeli Non-Violent Activists Ayed Morrar and Jonathan Pollack 4. Round-up of Recent Events in Qawawis 5. Prisoner Solidarity and Anti-Wall Protest … Continue reading Arrests, Human Shields and Non-violent Resistance