Palestinian and International medical volunteers shot at and wounded in Balata

1. Stage Two: Balata Refugee Camp Reinvaded 2. Stage One: The Invasion of Balata Camp 3. A victory for Non violence in Beit Sira 4. Ten anti-separation fence protesters hurt in clash with IDF-from Haaretz 5. More Arrests in Bil’in 6. The Joint Struggle and the Non-Violent International Struggle Against the Occupation 7. Jordan Valley … Continue reading Palestinian and International medical volunteers shot at and wounded in Balata

The Struggle Continues Through ups and Downs

* Help Respond to Inflammatory Attack on Nonviolent Solidarity Groups * The Price of Nonviolence in Bil’in * Victory for Palestine Solidarity Activists * Who Really Controls the Rafah Crossing? * The House is Full of Holes – poetry from the Occupied Territories * High School Students Attacked by Jerusalem Police * Budrus Tears Down … Continue reading The Struggle Continues Through ups and Downs

Invitation to ISM’s Spring Campaign

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is inviting volunteers to come to Palestine for a conference on Joint Nonviolent Struggle in Bil’in and for ISM’s Spring campaign The Bil’in Conference will take place February 20 & 21, 2006. ISM’s Spring Campaign will take place between March 1st and April 23rd, 2006. Come for a week, a … Continue reading Invitation to ISM’s Spring Campaign