“No-one is safe” – a doctor’s testimony from Gaza

1. “No-one is safe” – a doctor’s testimony from Gaza 2. Israeli military kills non-violent demonstrators in Gaza 3. Tales of the prophets: harvesting in the shadow of the settlements 4. More Settler Intimidation in Nablus Olive Harvest 5. Olive Harvest in Tel Rumeida Interrupted by Occupation Authorities 6. Two Hour Delay for Teachers at … Continue reading “No-one is safe” – a doctor’s testimony from Gaza

Peaceful Bil’in Protestors Attacked by IOF

1. Peaceful Bil’in Protestors Attacked by IOF 2. Bil’in Cameraman release delayed 3. Bil’in Cameraman Finally to be Released Tomorrow 4. Donkey Forced To Go Through Tel Rumeida Checkpoint 5. Eid in Tel Rumeida 6. Settler Colonists Beat Palestinian Family – One Palestinian Arrested 7. Olive Harvest Faces Obstacles from Israeli Army: Three Nablus Region … Continue reading Peaceful Bil’in Protestors Attacked by IOF

Bil’in Cameraman Still in Detention

1. Support Palestinian Non-violent resistance – Help release Bil’in youth. 2. Bil’in Cameraman Still in Detention 3. Journalists Join with Villagers of Bil’in in Solidarity With Emad Bornat 4. Nablus Villagers Face Impediments to Olive Harvest from Israeli Soldiers 5. Thirty Days in the Nablus Region 6. “My Name is Rachel Corrie” Opens in New … Continue reading Bil’in Cameraman Still in Detention

Partial Demolition of Israeli Colony in Bil’in

1. Partial Demolition of Israeli Colony in Bil’in 2. Israeli Company Blockaded in Britan For the Second Time in Bid to Gain Ruling on Illegality of Settlement Products 3. 12 Year Old Boy Shot by Settler While Playing Near His Home 4. Palestinian Activists with International and Israeli Supporters Picket Kofi Annan’s Visit 5. Settler … Continue reading Partial Demolition of Israeli Colony in Bil’in