Palestinian Companies Forced to Buy Israeli Products

1. AP: Gazans Protest Journalists’ Abduction 2. Palestinian Companies Forced to Buy Israeli Products 3. Bil’in Demonstration Against the Wall Turns Blue 4. Teenage Settlers Hurl Glass Bottles at Human Rights Workers 5. Resistance and Collective Punishment in Beit Furik and Salim 6. Bil’in Continues Struggle Despite Soldier Brutality 7. Unstable Soldier Harasses Palestinians and … Continue reading Palestinian Companies Forced to Buy Israeli Products

The Meaning of ‘Justice’ in an Apartheid System

1 – Israeli “Justice”: Paul Larudee Denied Entry to Palestine by Israel 2 – HRW: “Israeli artillery fire was to blame” in Gaza Beach Massacre 3 – Bil’in Unites in Solidarity With Gaza 4 – ISM Brighton to Hold Freedom Summer Induction 5 – Israeli Soldiers in Hebron Refuse to Prevent Attacks Against Palestinians, Internationals … Continue reading The Meaning of ‘Justice’ in an Apartheid System

Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

1 – Bloody Friday: 10 killed in Gaza massacre, as shelling, sonic booms continue 2 – Al-Jazeera: “Protests against Gaza beach killings” 3 – Action Alert: Support CUPE’s Call to Boycott Israeli Apartheid 4 – Commentary: “Begging For a Response” 5 – Democracy Now: “A Mother Under Occupation” 6 – Human Rights Abuses by Israeli … Continue reading Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

Students Unite Against Checkpoints

1-Students Unite Against Checkpoints 2- Ha’aretz: “With a little help from the outside” 3- Palestinian Unity Against Military Brutality 4- Beit Ummar Farmers Struggle to Work Their Land 5- Two Houses Demolished in Brukin, Salfit 6- The impact of the financial crisis on the Palestinian community 7- Sunbula’s Journal: “Normalised Occupation” 8- Tel Rumeida, Hebron: … Continue reading Students Unite Against Checkpoints

Arson, Raids, Beatings

1. Arson at the Outpost in Bil’in 2. Occupation Forces Continue Raids on Budrus Village 3. Settler Attacks on International volunteers in Tel Rumeida, Hebron 4. IMEMC: “Five Palestinians, including three teens, killed by Israeli artillery shells in the Gaza Strip” 5. Non-Violent Demonstration in Bil’in Deliberately Targeted by Israeli Soldiers 6. Palestinian Buildings Destroyed … Continue reading Arson, Raids, Beatings