The Wall Must Fall

1. Twenty-one Year Old Palestinian tortured in IOF jail 2. Tubas Area Residents to Hold Anti-Checkpoint Demonstration on Tuesday 3. Mohammed Mansour’s Court Case to Restart Tuesday 4. Successful First Anti-wall Demo in Abud Village 5. Bil’in: Independence in a Prison 6. CPT Hebron: At-Tuwani: Palestinian landowner forbidden to cultivate his land __________ 1. Twenty-one … Continue reading The Wall Must Fall

Tubas Area Residents to Hold Anti-Checkpoint Demonstration on Tuesday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE At 10am residents of the Tubas area together with Israeli and international supporters will protest against Tyaseer checkpoint. The checkpoint has isolated four Palestinian villages and agricultural land belonging to four further villages. The villages of Bardala, Ein Al Beda, Cardala and Wadi Al Malech are in an enclave in the Jordan … Continue reading Tubas Area Residents to Hold Anti-Checkpoint Demonstration on Tuesday

Celebrating Resistance

1. Bil’in Lock-on and Demonstration Report 2. Palestinian Non-Violent Organiser Mohammed Mansour’s Court Case Continues 3. Two sides, one goal – Palestinian, Israeli tour Bay Area to support non-violent resistance to military occupation 4. “Demolish all the illegally built homes in the West Bank” – Israeli Chief of Staff General Dan Halutz __________ 1. Bil’in … Continue reading Celebrating Resistance

“Demolish all the illegally built homes in the West Bank” – Israeli Chief of Staff General Dan Halutz

PRESS RELEASE by the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) ICAHD notices with concern the statement by Chief of Staff, Gen. Dan Halutz, as reported in Ma’ariv (October 26, 2005), in which he is quoted as saying that in response to the recent suicide attack in Hadera Market he would implement various responses. Amongst responses … Continue reading “Demolish all the illegally built homes in the West Bank” – Israeli Chief of Staff General Dan Halutz