Rachel was bulldozed to death, but her words are a spur to action

by Cindy and Craig Corrie Originally published in The Guardian When our daughter Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in the Gaza strip on March 16 2003, an immediate impulse was to get her words out to the world. She had been working in Rafah with a nonviolent resistance organisation, the International Solidarity … Continue reading Rachel was bulldozed to death, but her words are a spur to action

More people rally to Bil’in’s defense against occupation army

The world is paying attention to the injustices and illegality of the Israeli occupation, annexation barrier and settlement expansion thanks in large part to the steadfast resourcefulness of people in the small West Bank village of Bil’in. After the violent military siege last Friday aimed at stopping a demonstration before it began, organizations and individuals … Continue reading More people rally to Bil’in’s defense against occupation army

Apartheid and Agrexco in the Jordan Valley

The fence that appears on no maps. by Lena In Israel and occupied Palestine the colour orange is symbolic of opposition to the Gaza ‘disengagement’. It can be seen on banners; t-shirts; propaganda material; protesters storming the old city in Jerusalem or the young people with petitions gathering signatures in Israeli bus stations. Orange streamers … Continue reading Apartheid and Agrexco in the Jordan Valley

ICAHD and other Israeli Peace Groups call for the cancellation of a planned Muslim Quarter new settlement

Another illegal act in East Jerusalem undertaken by the Israeli Government and the Municipality of Jerusalem has recently been uncovered: a plan to build a new Jewish settlement in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City near Herod’s Gate. Recently the Sub-committee of the Local Committee for Planning and Construction in Jerusalem has confirmed a … Continue reading ICAHD and other Israeli Peace Groups call for the cancellation of a planned Muslim Quarter new settlement